
Electronic Document Discovery / News: Recent posts

Version 2.0 Supports Custom Forms

This release now supports custom forms. Custom forms can be created and associated to any document. The values entered into the custom forms are fully searchable as well through the new search builder. Also the search builder has been expanded to support groupings, and boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT). See it in action at enter user name "user" and leave the password blank.

Posted by Ron Wallis 2007-06-08

Enron Demo Available!

We've just made the Enron email database publicly available from user name is: "user" and the password is: (blank) aka empty. Have fun and check out things like aspen security codes.

Posted by Ron Wallis 2007-05-24

Big Improvements with this release!

First, the email import was importing emails at about 100 emails per minute. Due to a database restructuring, the import as been increased to over 1000 emails per minute.

Second, a new admin interface has been added, this interface shows basic operational stats.
1) whether the search indexes are current or need to be rebuilt
2) count of pending files to be imported.
3) what is the current average import rate.
4) what files, emails and email attachments have not had text extracted for search.... read more

Posted by Ron Wallis 2007-03-27

New Code Download

The project code has just been updated with changes that will make the install of the application easier (and has fixed some bugs). The new file to install is

Posted by Ron Wallis 2007-03-16

Beta Install Just Released!

The beta install for the Document Discovery System has just been release! Please download it and then go to the forum page and post any questions, issues or comments that you may have.

Posted by Ron Wallis 2007-03-12

New C# Document Discovery System

Hill30 is in the process of publishing on SourceForge an electronic document discovery system written in C# utilitzing SQL Server and FTS for the document repository and search.

This application is based on WorkflowServer, also an open source offering available on SourceForge.

Posted by Ron Wallis 2007-03-01