


This framework helps you to create database applications using EclipseLink and JavaFX.

In 2005 we started to create a small framework to map relational database entities with JDO to Swing forms and tables.
Now we are working to migrate the framework from JDO and Swing to EclipseLink and JavaFX.

You can easily create, retrieve, update and delete (so called CRUD operations) data using view objects and attach them to forms or sheets. Most of the mapping is done by reflection using observable properties in JavaFX.

The first steps are done:

  • Create a connection to the database with username and password entered by the user
  • Create a JavaFx table view and fill it with data from a query
  • Make a cell editable and store changed value into the entity's attribute
  • Synchronize a form with the selection of a table view record
  • Display Text items and ChoiceBoxes in the form
  • Bind properties of view objects to forms and lists
  • Query view objects dynamically and display the result in a list
  • Save changes in the form to the entity
  • Enable/disable context menu items and buttons according to selection
  • Save column width of table views to property file
  • Restore column width from property file
  • Save user settings to table
  • Select locale from user settings
  • Support of user defined types in forms and tables (must be inherited from JavaFX node types)
  • Display record count below list
  • Restrict query result by USER_SETTINGS.MAX_RESULT_SIZE
  • Regex pattern can be defined for FormattedTextField
  • Support of view object based combo boxes and choice boxes added to forms
  • Only use view object in forms and tables
  • For each entity you can define its own database handler

Please download the demo project to see how it works.

Please read the [How to start].


Wiki: How to start