
First, let me introduce myself as the primary (conceptual) developer behind DMO.  I thought this would be an appropriate forum to address the philosophy of design behind DMO, and to offer insights on how to get the best out of it as a tool to support management processes in a complex IT environment.

First, it might be a good idea to do some background reading on the challenges of managing complex Composite Applications (see http://weblog.infoworld.com/ittroubleshooter/\).  When I first designed DMO over 5 years ago, I had just finished working for a large international organization with a huge data center, and knew some of the problems of managing all those systems, and the complex interactions between them.  I tried to make the DMO as flexible as possible, both in terms of the relationships to be modelled, as well as the actions that can be taken to deal with issues.

Today, DMO has a lot of features, both standalone and in conjunction with some of our related tools.  Anyway, that's enough for me today... feel free to post a question or comment about DMO!
Paul Gillingwater