
Still Alive

Just posting a message to let everyone know that the project is NOT dead. However, as I just got about 5,000lbs of boxes (aka "our stuff") delivered combined with a new job development is slow.

At the moment I'm still finalizing the library file. I know, I know, I've been finalizing it forever, but that's just the way it is. Without the exact, proper format, tested and all, nothing else in the project will matter since it's all totally dependent on it. With that in mind, I WILL do a CVS with the final one, copyright-infringement-free, when it is finished and resume work on the code.

I apologize, but it's not as if I'm able to feed my family with this project (I'm not even getting paid), so "real life" has to take precedence.

Posted by foxx 2007-12-11

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