
Domain Model Distribution Frameworks / News: Recent posts

DMT Eclipse plug-in v0.8 released

The Eclipse plug-in For Domain Model Transportation Framework Schema Configuration can helps you create/edit DMTSchema (which is a configuration to tell DMT how to transport your objects). For more information please visit

Posted by steven 2005-08-05

Domain Model Transportation Framework v1.0-beta released

The new EJB3.0 Persistence API and popular O/R mapping framework (e.g. Hibernate) allows you persist POJO. So you can have a well defined Domain Model be reused in your client side. However, since the Domain Model is an interrelated object graph contains Domain Logic, when you distribute your Domain Model to another JVM, the default Java Serialization mechanism won't allow you decide how to transport them. So the long existing DTO pattern still playing big role here - even everybody know it's drawbacks, especially when new framework allows persist POJO.... read more

Posted by steven 2005-08-05