
Tree [d1c7c0] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 ORIGINAL.EXE 2020-10-27 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [32e3b7] Original files.
 .gitignore 2020-11-05 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [72e28d] DM2CONV: Remove upper-case files conversion.
 DEFAULT.RSP 2020-10-27 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [32e3b7] Original files.
 DM2CONV.DOC 2020-10-27 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [32e3b7] Original files.
 DM2CONV.PAS 2020-12-25 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [a9a03d] Suppress case warning.
 DM2CONV.lpi 2020-11-16 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [cffc04] macOS port.
 FILE_ID.DIZ 2020-10-27 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [32e3b7] Original files.
 GFXMAKER.PAS 2020-12-25 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [a9a03d] Suppress case warning.
 GFXMAKER.lpi 2020-11-16 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [cffc04] macOS port.
 OBJECTS.RSP 2020-10-27 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [32e3b7] Original files.
 OBJECTS.TXT 2020-10-27 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [32e3b7] Original files. 2021-01-24 Ivan Ivon Ivan Ivon [d1c7c0] Fix fpcupdeluxe link.

Read Me

What is it?

This is DM2CONV/GFXMAKER v3.2 utilities Windows/Linux/macOS x86/x64 port.

  • DM2CONV converts DOOM/ULTIMATE DOOM/DOOM2/HERETIC levels to run with one of the other games.
  • GFXMAKER creates WAD file that contains all the textures of a specified set of games.


  • Runs on Windows/Linux/macOS x86/x64.
  • Produces same output as original DOS utility.
  • Supports file names longer than 8.3 (total path limitation is 255 characters).

Known Issues

  • Contains all original bugs if any.

Distribution Changes

  • Original DOS binaries were moved to ORIGINAL.EXE folder.
  • 64-bit binaries are in x64 folder. Copy them one level up to use.
  • Ported sources are included; original are in git first commit.
  • Lazarus projects were added.



  1. Download fpcupdeluxe.
  2. Install FPC and Lazarus.
  3. Install Windows/Linux/Darwin (for macOS) cross compilers.


  1. Open DM2CONV.lpi or GFXMAKER.lpi in Lazarus.
  2. Go to Run > Compile many Modes.
  3. Select project build mode(s).
  4. Build.



  • dm2conv.exe
  • gfxmaker.exe
  • x64\dm2conv.exe
  • x64\gfxmaker.exe


  • dm2conv
  • gfxmaker
  • x64/dm2conv
  • x64/gfxmaker