
alpha channel

  • Alexey Kuznetsov


    I've just add support for DjVu in my open-source android book reader app ( Thanks for great, powerfull library. I wish it can spread more and replace pdf finnaly.

    I have a question, can DjVuImage / produce GPixelmap's with alpha channel? So, reader can have nice user/eyes frendly background for docuemnt pages?

    It is hard or even possible to implement? I did a little reasearch and it seems all operations including IO do not have apha channel support. I wonder if it is even possible without changing original files / format support.

    • Leon Bottou

      Leon Bottou - 2018-01-18

      There is no support for alpha channel in the background layer.
      But we could rather easily allow a djvu document without background, allowing the foreground to be displayed on top of any image.
      - L.


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