

Nick Eriksson Kristian Mört

Welcome to DiWaCS project pages!

DiWa – Digital War Room

DiWa is a dedicated facility for user-centred design and handling of complex digital contents. In it a multidisciplinary group of experts work on complex digital contents and artefacts as a part of their design processes. DiWa explores the possibilities to enhance and augment user or customer centric design by enabling fluent communication through digital documents and rich media. The project produces new knowledge about the usages of rich media and interactive application in relation to supporting group processes in technology augmented multi-display environments.

DiWa is funded by Tekes TILA (Spaces and places) programme. Participating companies are Kemppi, Konecranes, Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt and the City of Vantaa.


DiWaCS is an application developed for DiWa smart space and should be used only inside Diwaamo. DiWaCS connects to address 239.128.128.*:5555 using Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM). DiWaCS is built on Python and WxPython is used for UI programming. Currently, only supported platform is Windows.

DiWaCS also requires a MySQL database.

Required python modules for DiWaCS:

Project Members:

For your convience, we also provide downloadable binaries. You can download latest version from the link below.