I'm new to Emacs, Erlang and Distel. I want to learn how to debug while
learing the Erlang itself. I tried this on two linuxes. One is Amazon EC2
linux and the other is Debian Squeeze. My Emacs is of version 23. I cloned
the latest Distel from GitHub.
In both cases when I try to C-c C-d g I get the following from Emacs:
EXIT: <0.2.0> [emacs-error "(file-error \"make client process failed\"
\"connection refused\" :name \"netfsm\" :buffer #<killed buffer> :host
\"dombai\" :service 4369)"]
I tried runnig all this as root. I tried switching of the firewall so that
all the traffic is permitted from anywhere to anywhere. No result. I still
get this.
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Grigory Ptashko
+7 (916) 1489766