
Tree [fff642] main /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .github 2022-12-21 renovate[bot] renovate[bot] [e78022] Update actions/stale action to v7
 avatars 2022-06-03 ImgBotApp ImgBotApp [150408] [ImgBot] Optimize images
 tools 2020-06-13 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [ed2dd1] Minor bug fixes related to python and discord.p...
 .dockerignore 2017-04-19 phroggie phroggie [7a2181] Add containerization
 .gitattributes 2017-04-19 phroggie phroggie [7a2181] Add containerization
 .gitignore 2020-06-19 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [2da001] Updated to make it easy to move auth into a sep...
 .gitlab-ci.yml 2022-04-28 freiheit freiheit [a001af] Update .gitlab-ci.yml file
 .pylintrc 2022-04-28 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [73cbca] Add .pylintrc to disable some lint checks that ... 2022-06-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [560fad] Documentation overhaul 2022-06-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [560fad] Documentation overhaul
 Dockerfile 2022-11-17 renovate[bot] renovate[bot] [5ad311] Update alpine Docker tag to v3.17 2022-06-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [560fad] Documentation overhaul 2022-06-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [560fad] Documentation overhaul
 LICENSE 2022-06-03 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [777da4] Update copyright year
 Procfile 2017-03-11 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [c1abce] Experimental Heroku support files, for Issue #51. 2022-12-14 freiheit freiheit [fec3ad] Update 2022-04-28 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [86d5d1] Create 2020-09-30 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [7ebef7] Help me remember name of autopep8
 feed2discord.examples.ini 2018-03-21 Sarim Khan Sarim Khan [744399] config examples for dict list field parsing and...
 feed2discord.ini 2020-06-14 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [35d9e1] Add configuration for whether or not to publish... 2022-06-15 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [7ad2af] Fixing a bad else that snuck in somehow... 2022-01-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [68d397] Change to looking for "python3" instead of "pyt... 2022-01-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [68d397] Change to looking for "python3" instead of "pyt... 2020-06-30 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [5b79e7] permissions
 requirements.txt 2022-12-21 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [fff642] Add feedsearch_crawler to requirements
 runtime.txt 2017-03-11 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [c1abce] Experimental Heroku support files, for Issue #51. 2022-01-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [68d397] Change to looking for "python3" instead of "pyt... 2022-01-24 Eric Eisenhart Eric Eisenhart [68d397] Change to looking for "python3" instead of "pyt...

Read Me

Discord server
Latest Release
CII Best Practices
Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
Dependency Review
Contributor Covenant

Discord RSS Bot

Primary location is -- is a mirror and all others are forks.

Feed Bot


Bot for taking in an RSS or Atom feed and sharing it into a Discord channel.

Designed to be very configurable.

It should be possible to use as a library in another bot.

Since this bot doesn't react to anything in channels or messages, you can
have it sign into the same account as another bot, and externally it should
appear to be a single bot.

Elite: Dangerous related Discord?

If your Discord server is related to Elite: Dangerous, you may be able to use
my feedbot instance instead of running your own copy.
Head to and "Follow" the rooms you want.

(I have some other feeds, but E:D is the most thoroughly covered)

Installation / Initial Setup


Adding feeds


My configuration

The configuration of my instance of feedbot (minus auth token) is here:

Use as Library

I have not tested at all, but I have tried to make it possible to plug this
in as a library. Probably needs work. You'll need to replace your simple
"" with the more complicated stuff inside the if name block
instead (in order to insert the background task coroutines into async)

If you want to do live changes, you should be able to change the CONFIG variable.

I'm guessing a few changes will need to be made in order to run as a
library, like maybe changing how client= gets set, to something with a
setup function that takes an optional client argument, maybe? If you figure
it out, please give me a pull request.

If you don't need live changes, since this bot is read-only, it can easily
be running alongside another bot using same account to appear as a single

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ items are in and



Chat with me

Come to and talk in the #dev room.

Bug reports

Preferred avenue for bug reports is an Issue filed at

Security Bugs

Check the "confidential" checkbox when submitting an Issue at

Financial Support

I have a very few costs associated with this project. (under $10/month)
I'm happy to donate my time.
But if you want to thank me financially: