
Directrix Rain / News: Recent posts

Directrix Rain 0.023 is here; THIS TIME IT'S FOR REAL!

When unholysauce posted the 0.022 release describing it as 0.023, I knew that I had to fix things, so I put out an actual release with that name immediately. Well, that and I had to fix VC++ compatibility.

Anyway, now Directrix Rain has started crashing for no reason under Windows XP again. I'm not too worried about this because of the Almighty Compatibility Settings, but still, it's a nuisance. So, keep that in mind, in case you, you know, decide to download the thing. It's a good thing to keep in mind, I think.... read more

Posted by Amandeep Jutla 2004-11-08

Directrix Rain 0.023 is here, behold!

With 0.023 Drain takes even more shape and structure. You can now type commands with a prompt activated by spacebar. This gives you the unprecedented ability to enter a nigh-unlimited number of character strings limited only by your computer's memory and your will. Two of those combinations, "save" and "quit", actually do something. You can also load a character, which finally gives use to that save command that's been lying around, only not really since I also changed the format for the save files. See the changelog for other info.

Posted by unholysauce 2004-11-08

We have been assimilated.

0.021 of Directrix Rain released. Despite the tiny version-number increment, it actually has more changes over 0.02 than 0.02 did over 0.01. This heartens me, because it means our illogical numbering scheme is living up to its name.

Version 0.021 now supports Visual C++ .Net by default rather than Dev-C++. This isn't really a big deal, though, because if you want to get it to work with Dev-C++ instead, all you need to do is comment out one line, "#include <conio.h>" at the start of directrix.c. See the changelog for more details IF YOU CAN TAKE IT!... read more

Posted by Amandeep Jutla 2004-11-06

Directrix Rain 0.02 is here. Yeah, I'm surprised, too.

After weeks, or, heck, months, of lazily avoiding getting much work done on Directrix Rain, we finally decided to get our feces together, as it were, and put out version 0.02. It's kind of like version 0.01, only more functional. I would tell you to read the release notes for more information, but I took the easy way out and didn't upload them, or the changelog, for that matter, because I have more important things to do, such as go to bed. You can tell we're really professional, can't you...?

Posted by Amandeep Jutla 2004-11-04

Directrix Rain is here; cower before its might.

Directrix Rain is a role-playing game--that would be the simplest way to describe it. But would that be truly accurate? Would it be telling the whole truth? No, probably not. Directrix Rain, you see, is not just /a/ role-playing game; it's /an incomplete/ role-playing game. That said, version 0.01 will, with any luck, soon be released, and we think it's well worth your time. Of course, we're highly biased, but what can you expect? We're the developers. If we don't have confidence in our product, then we might as well not be...productizing it. ... read more

Posted by Amandeep Jutla 2004-08-20