
DirectPython / News: Recent posts

Visit the home page for news

News will no longer be submitted here. Visit the official home page to see the latest news.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-07-14

Release: 0.3.0

A brand new release. The release notes has a record of all major changes.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-04-11

Mailing list started

A mailing list has been created for general discussion. Besides discussion it will also receive weekly status reports about the project if something important has happened. This helps developers to know what is coming in the future versions.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-03-27

Release: 0.2.5

New version has been released. Nothing radical has been done but some twaking will be required when converting to the new runtime.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-03-22

0.2 is out

The new version has some changes that are incompatible with previous releases. Some new features (like basic support for DirectInput) and samples have been added and documentation has been slightly improved.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-03-07

Version 0.2 coming up

A new version of DirectPython will probably be released next week. Basic support for DirectInput has been added along with several other changes.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-03-05

New release: 0.1.5

After some modifications a new release of DirectPython is available. Some code breakage can be expected, but issues should be relatively easy to fix. See the readme.txt for changes.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-02-22

New release coming soon

The next version will be hopefully released within a week. Some silent code breakage can be expected, but the necessary changes are quite easy to implement. It is unlikely that the future versions will break any code, at least not without a good reason.

Most of the visibe changes are small: there are some new features and samples but nothing worldshaking.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-02-21

The development continues

I have alredy started to plan the next release and some breaking changes have alredy been done. They are currently minor (some renderstates have been renamed and new ones have been added) and I doubt that there will be need for anything radical.

Remember to post those feature requests and bug reports if you have any. At this point *all* feedback is important so that I know what is important to users!

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-02-15

DirectPython now available

DirectPython´s first release is now available for downloading. See the files-section.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-02-14

Internal testing started

DirectPython 0.1 final has been built and is now being tested in several different systems. Donwloading should be possible in a few days if everything goes smoothly.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-02-07

The moment is near...

The first official release of DirectPython will be available for downloading within a week.

Posted by Heikki Salo 2006-02-01