
Diogene87 / News: Recent posts

diogene87 is dead

Sorry, this project is not yet supported.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2008-03-20

diogene87-1.0.0rc5 is released

diogene87-1.0.0rc5 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

- A core dump that occurred when the `rjd' command was called with an unexistant job name was fixed.
- New job states were added to explain why a job can not be started (target closed, queue closed, limit of running jobs reached).
- An explicit entry is added in the job log when a job can not be started.
- The dio87c configuration utility checks file owner and file permission of the private configuration file (~/.dio87c.conf).
- Explicit messages are added in the job log when a job can not be started (to explain the `deleted' state).
- The `js' (job stop) command can be used to send a SIGINT signal to a running job.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2007-11-10

diogene87-1.0.0rc4 is released

diogene87-1.0.0rc4 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

- The new function `rjd' (Referential Job Duplicate) can be used to copy a job in the same task (with another name) or in another task.
- SOLARIS support for compilation.
- bug fix : dio87d created a core dump when a job can not be started.
- bug fix : number of opened pipes (lsof) increased indefinitely every time a job was sended.
- bug fix : the error message "File '' already exists" does not appear in the system log .
- add an explicit error message when a file can't be opened (to ask user to check file owner and permissions).

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2007-09-22

diogene87-1.0.0rc3 is released

diogene87-1.0.0rc3 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

This release provides an important bug fix : sometimes on Solaris system, a core dump was generated when a job terminates.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2007-07-16

diogene87-1.0.0rc2 is released

diogene87-1.0.0rc2 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...


- important bug fix (introduced in Diogene87 0.9.4) : when you use the `rtoa' and `rroa' commands with `day_of_week', the first day of the
week is Sunday (and not Monday).... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2007-06-05

diogene87-1.0.0rc1 is released

diogene87-1.0.0rc1 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The date parameter of the `rp' command accepts new values : `today' and `tomorrow'.

The `rjda' and `rtda' commands refuse to create a dependence between two jobs/tasks, when a dependence between them already exists. ... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2006-08-27

diogene87-1.0.0pre3 is released

diogene87-1.0.0pre3 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

If you want to use a GUI with diogene87, please see the narcisse81 project :

- log files are automatically deleted when they are older than the number of days specified by LOG_RETENTION (in the configuration file). The default value is 365 days.... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2006-02-15

diogene87-1.0.0pre2 released

diogene87-1.0.0pre2 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

If you want to use a GUI with diogene87, please see the narcisse81 project :

- dio87d is compliant with ISO8601 : weeks start on a monday. Week 1 of a given year is the one that includes the first Thursday of that year.... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-11-11

diogene87-1.0.0pre1 released !

This is the first pre-release of diogene87-1.0.0. All features are implemented and diogene87 is quite stable. Next releases will provide only bug fixes and cosmetic changes.

If you want to use a GUI with diogene87, please see the narcisse81 project (

Monitor commands (`ejm' and `etm') accept new options : `-D' to print job/task description, `-T' to print the target name, `-Q' to print the target and the queue names. Database save is done only when it's necessary : it will reduce the number of access to the hard disk. All messages (error, warning, info) are sended to syslog. You can use the `LOG_LEVEL' parameter in the configuration file to control whose messages are sended to syslog. You can use the `-s' option with dio87d to suspend the engine at startup : it's usefull to control the situation after a crash.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-09-11

diogene87-0.9.4 released

diogene87-0.9.4 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The home page of Diogene87 is


The `rtom' and `rrom' commands are operational ! The delta parameter values are `up' or `down'.
The `rtol' and `rrol' commands accept a new option (`-h') to print day names and month names. ... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-08-06

A graphical frontend for diogene87.

The development of Narcisse81 is started...
The `narcisse81' cvs tree was created.

Narcisse81 is a graphical front end for Diogene87, a powerful job scheduler system for Linux. It uses the GTK-1.2 toolkit.

The home page of Narcisse81 is :

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-06-02

diogene87-0.9.3 released

diogene87-0.9.3 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The home page of Diogene87 is

News : A newly created task is linked by default with the target `localhost' and the queue `batch'. So, calling the `rtsq' command is not necessary, if you want to run this task on localhost/batch. But, if you want to run the task on another target and/or in another queue, you have to call the `rtst' command. - You can use the new commands `tsn' (target set name) and `qsn' (queue set name) command to rename a target or a queue.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-05-25

diogene87-0.9.2 released

diogene87-0.9.2 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The home page of Diogene87 is

All previous daemons (dg87d,x,r,s,l) have been replaced by one daemon (dio87d). The five communications utilities have been replaced by one program (dio87c). Diogene87 is now easier to install, to configure and to use.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-04-10

diogene87-0.9.2pre3 is available

Diogene87-0.9.2pre3 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The home page of Diogene87 is

All previous daemons (dg87d,x,r,s,l) have been replaced by one daemon (dio87d). The five communications utilities have been replaced by one program (dio87c). Diogene87 will be easier to install, to configure and to use. ... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-03-28

diogene87-0.9.2pre2 is available

Diogene87-0.9.2pre2 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The home page of Diogene87 is

All previous daemons (dg87d,x,r,s,l) have been replaced by one daemon (dio87d). The five communications utilities have been replaced by one program (dio87c). Diogene87 will be easier to install, to configure and to use. ... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-03-15

diogene87-0.9.2pre1 is available

Diogene87-0.9.2pre1 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The home page of Diogene87 is

This is a the first pre-release of the 0.9.2 version. All previous daemons (dg87d,x,r,s,l) are replaced by one daemon (dio87d). The five communications utilities are replaced by one programm (dio87c). Diogene87 will be easier to install, to configure and to use. ... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-03-12

diogene87-0.9.1b released

Diogene87-0.9.1b is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

The home page of Diogene87 is

This is a bug fixes release. A memory leak was found in dg87r. A bug in the database loading process of dg87d was corrected.... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-03-09

Diogene87 migration

The migration from 5 daemons to 1 daemon is in progress.

In the CVS, the following directories were removed : dg87x, dg87d, dg87s, dg87l, dg87r, diocmd.

dio87d is the new daemon which replaces dg87{x,r,l,s,d}.
dio87c is the new communication utility which replaces dg{l,x,r,s,d}
Autotests are rewrited to work with dio87d.

The new daemon needs some optimizations : I will try to do them the next week.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-02-20

Merging all daemons

In the next release (0.9.2), all daemons (dg87d,x,r,s,l) will be merged into one daemon (dio87d). The 5 communication utilities (dgd,x,r,s,l) will be replaced by one program (dio87c).

This important modification was asked by several users : Diogene87 will be easier to understand, to use and to configure.

This new release should be available in one or two months.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-02-15

Diogene87-0.9.1 released

Diogene87-0.9.1 is available.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

Diogene87 home page is

New :

Automatic day creation : days can be automatically created from a referential.If the 'autoPlanned' property of a referential is TRUE, every day at midnight, a new exploitation day is created from this referential. ... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2005-02-14

Diogene87-0.9.0 (beta) released

Diogene87-0.9.0 is the first beta release of this project.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependencies, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

Diogene87 home page is

New :

With the `file' condition, the file presence is checked on the remote server (dg87r) where the task is running (target) and not on the server where diogene87 is running (dg87x). The `rtca' command accepts a new parameter for `hmin', `hmax' and `hlate' conditions. It indicates when the condition is evaluated : 0 for the first day, 1 for the next day, 2 for the second next day... All communication utilities are replaced by symlinks on diocmd. The owner of data files is changed when the daemon is running as root.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2004-11-25

Diogene87-0.8.6 released

Diogene87-0.8.6 is released.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependences, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

Diogene87 home page is

New :

With the `rtsl' command you can change lock-variable properties for a task. This is useful to describe critical session.

With the `rtsc' command you can change cyclical properties of a task. A cyclical task is executed more than one time. You must specify the number of iterations and the interval between two executions (in seconds). ... read more

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2004-10-21

Corrupted files for Diogene87-0.8.5

Packages of Diogene87-0.8.5 were corrupted due to file transfert errors.
All files are updated now...

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2004-09-27

Diogene87-0.8.5 released

Diogene87-0.8.5 is released.

Diogene87 is a powerful job scheduler system which provides advanced features : centralized management, remote job execution, job dependences, start conditions, job monitoring, log, statistics...

Diogene87 home page is

This release adds a new daemon : `dg87s' which stores jobs durations and calculates statistics : minimal, maximal and average durations.

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2004-09-20

Diogene87-0.8.4 (alpha) released

`dg87l' is a new daemon which stores logs for days, tasks and jobs. `dgl' is a new utility to communicate with `dg87l'. New commands are available to consult log : - ldl (log day list), ldc (log day count) - ldel (log day entries list), ldec (log day entries count) - ltl (log task list), ltc (log task count) - ltel (log task entries list), ltec (log task entries count) - ljl (log job list), ljc (log job count) - ljel (log job entries list), ljec (log job entries count). `rtd' is a new command to create a task by copying another task

Posted by PARISOT Dominique 2004-08-18