
Tree [3e190d] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 cmake 2010-12-02 md2k7 md2k7 [3e190d] Merge branch 'master' of git://
 doxygen 2010-04-10 Bernhard Friedreich Bernhard Friedreich [59a03a] Merge branch 'temp'
 packaging 2010-04-29 David Madl David Madl [c45458] Merge branch 'master' of ../md2k7s-clone
 scripts 2010-12-02 friesoft friesoft [dca5b6] Merge branch 'master' of
 src 2010-12-02 md2k7 md2k7 [3e190d] Merge branch 'master' of git://
 translations 2010-04-25 Peter Nirschl Peter Nirschl [d31854] Merge branch 'master' of git://
 CMakeLists.txt 2010-12-02 md2k7 md2k7 [3e190d] Merge branch 'master' of git://
 LICENSE.GPL 2010-04-10 Bernhard Friedreich Bernhard Friedreich [59a03a] Merge branch 'temp'
 README 2010-04-10 Bernhard Friedreich Bernhard Friedreich [59a03a] Merge branch 'temp'
 dinjam.desktop 2010-04-10 Bernhard Friedreich Bernhard Friedreich [59a03a] Merge branch 'temp'

Read Me

Build instructions:

On the toplevel directory create a "build" directory and change into it

    mkdir build
    cd build
Run CMake
    Linux/Unix based:
        cmake -DSCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR=/path/to/your/script/folder ..
    Windows specific:
        cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DSCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR=D:\\Path\\to\\your\\dir ..
        Depending on your setup it may be needed to run the command twice as cmake doesn't find your build environment on first run
        append -DDebug=true to the cmake arguments before the ..
    Unit tests:
        append -DTest=true to the cmake arguments before the ..
Run make (where x is the number of cpu cores + 1)

    make -jx

Run Dinjam