
Dotnet IL Editor / News: Recent posts

Weekly builds made available

A new folder has been added where weekly builds of DILE are available. These binaries will always be built from the latest source code that is available in SVN. Please keep in mind that some features might be incomplete, unreliable or be changed in the future.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2010-05-08

DILE v0.2.6 readme update

Updated the readme.txt to include the correct links to the VC++ SP1 runtime. Nothing else has been changed.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2007-11-04

DILE v0.2.6

This new version includes several improvements: full support for generics (both evaluating and inspecting generic expressions work), evaluating enums, proper parsing of permission sets and events. It contains several bug fixes as well.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2007-09-30

DILE tutorial 1: Basics

A quite simple Flash tutorial about DILE is available here:

This tutorial shows how to debug a newly created .NET console application and how to use basic features of DILE.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2007-03-11

DILE v0.2.5

The most important improvement compared to the previous version is that now it is 64-bit compatible which means that it both runs on x64 OS and it can also disassemble 64-bit assemblies. Of course, a few bugs have also been fixed.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2007-02-25

DILE v0.2.4

The new version of DILE includes several bug fixes, a completely new, multi-threaded Object Viewer window, a text viewer, lazy-initialized panels, context menus, "Set IP" feature and watch panel. The main goal for this release was to improve stability and usability of DILE.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2006-11-14

DILE v0.2.3

This new release includes several new features that make debugging easier. One of the most important improvements is that now it is possible to evaluate expressions during debugging (i.e.: calling methods, inspecting variables like in the Quick Watch window of Visual Studio).

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2006-08-27

Source code has been moved to SVN

Recently several people had problems with accessing CVS, thus the project has been migrated to SVN.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2006-04-18

DILE v0.2.2

This version includes several bug fixes and the ability to debug dynamic and/or in-memory (like ASP.NET/Reflection.Emit/XSLT/Regex etc. generated) assemblies.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2006-02-22

DILE v0.2.1

In this new version the memory consumption has been decreased and loading assemblies has been quickened. There are also new settings to change the font of panels and now it's possible to associate DILE with the .dileproj extension.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2006-01-26

Final DILE v0.2 release

This new version uses the RTM version of the .NET Framework, contains lots of different settings to make debugging easier and a few new features like the Modules Panel, Threads Panel, pausing the debuggee on various events (e.g.: LoadAssembly, CreateThread), MDA (Managed Debug Assistant) support and so on.
And of course many bugs have also been fixed.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2005-12-11

New beta version

I have uploaded a new release as the first beta had serious bugs which prevented debugging v1.1 assemblies.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2005-10-19

Third release (v0.2 beta)

This new release besides the disassembling function also contains debugging features which lets the user to debug the IL code of an assembly.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2005-10-11

Second release (v0.1 beta)

This version is still quite simple. It still does not have editing or debugging feature, but now .NET Framework v2.0 is supported.

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2005-06-17

First release (v0.01 pre-alpha)

The first release of DILE has been born. It is very simple, it has no editing or debugging feature. It does not support generics despite it needs .NET Framework v2.0. So far, it is only a simple disassembler like ildasm. Have fun with it! :-)

Posted by Petrény Zsolt 2005-05-19