
The Dilbert Engine / News: Recent posts

Alpha 1 is now out!

Yes, the first public release of the dilbert engine has been made, you'll need Blitz Basic to use it (go to Just load up the file and hit F5.

Posted by Jon Wood 2001-06-26

New team member!

Yippee doodaa! The team has new member, it's Jez, our sound engineer, who'll make some slightly edam smelling sound effects for us, and maybe some music if you ask nicely.

Anyway, thats it for now :)

Posted by Jon Wood 2001-06-18

We're out here :)

Yes people, the long awaited public announcement of the Dilbert engine has happened, and we're now out here on sourceforge. And yes, I am just doing this because I can :)

Posted by Jon Wood 2001-06-17