
2.5 Released

Great news folks, here's another release of our reader. This release includes one major bugfix, one major feature addition, and several other minor features and bugfixes. Here's the release notes:

FEATURE: Bookmarks finally work! Read the help.htm file to learn more.

BUGFIX: Compounds are now analyzed in much more depth (sometimes too much?)

BUGFIX: No need to overwrite the remotecheck.js when installing the optional components.

COSMETIC: Brighter background

COSMETIC: Added more info on the front page


The major feature, bookmarks, is our pride and joy for this release, as we can now return instantly to where we left off, or switch between two sections quickly (e.g. commentary and canon).

The bugfix regarding compounds has really opened up the compound analysis - finally it does what it should (not perfectly, mind you), giving several alternative break-downs of the compound.

With another very similar project developing nicely on sourceforge, I'm not sure how much longer we'll continue the development of this project. The only major issues I'd like to see addressed are a) improving the recognition algorithm (it really needs tweaking), and b) adding graphic buttons to the main page to make it look more like an application and less like a web page on steroids.

Anyway, the release is on sourceforge. Happy translating!

Posted by Yuttadhammo 2013-01-05

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