
Tree [da947a] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 BWidget.1.8.0 2014-01-30 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [72d571] Init
 difftools 2020-03-22 avsokol avsokol [da947a] removed cvs from embedded tools;
 starkits 2020-03-22 avsokol avsokol [da947a] removed cvs from embedded tools;
 tcllib1.18 2017-01-30 [f2f941] - removed obsolete files
 README 2014-01-30 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [72d571] Init
 common_tools.tcl 2014-05-28 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [c00434] added obtain error code proc 2017-06-19 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [0b2bbe] difftools sources moved to archive
 pkgIndex.tcl 2020-03-04 avsokol avsokol [cc281c] Started implementing customized cvs.exe
 yadt.tcl 2020-03-22 avsokol avsokol [da947a] removed cvs from embedded tools;
 yadt_cvs.tcl 2020-03-04 avsokol avsokol [cc281c] Started implementing customized cvs.exe
 yadt_diff2.tcl 2015-12-05 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [17df9a] God damned windows 10 with its compatibility an...
 yadt_diff3.tcl 2015-10-28 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [d87db1] redesignred 2-diff way visualization - similar ...
 yadt_dot_cvs.tcl 2020-03-04 avsokol avsokol [cc281c] Started implementing customized cvs.exe
 yadt_git.tcl 2017-07-18 Sokolov Alexander Sokolov Alexander [ddda05] added some packages for git and mercurial opera...
 yadt_hg.tcl 2017-07-18 Sokolov Alexander Sokolov Alexander [ddda05] added some packages for git and mercurial opera...
 yadt_images.tcl 2015-04-03 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [b407a8] Huge refactoring of YaDT code.
 yadt_lcs.tcl 2015-10-28 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [73a437] one more attempt to improve diff3 compare mecha...
 yadt_paned.tcl 2015-04-03 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [b407a8] Huge refactoring of YaDT code.
 yadt_ranges.tcl 2015-10-28 Alexander Sokolov Alexander Sokolov [d87db1] redesignred 2-diff way visualization - similar ...

Read Me

YaDT executable generation

GUI way:

Run ./starkits/Linux/tclkit-linux ./starkits/kit_maker.tcl

Run ./starkits/windows/tclkit.exe ./starkits/kit_maker.tcl

A widget will be opened. Choose platforms you need and press 'Make Kit' button.

Console way:

Run ./starkits/Linux/tclkit-linux ./starkits/kit_maker.tcl --cre

Run ./starkits/windows/tclkitsh.exe ./starkits/kit_maker.tcl --cre

Follow simple instruction.