
Want To Improve the Diceroller?

  • Cody Duncan

    Cody Duncan - 2012-08-13

    Post here with your idea for a new feature and I will be happy to approve developer access to the code so you can make changes for new features.

    I only work on this project once every few months, and I don't have the time to keep up with all feature requests and new dice-based rule systems, so I'd be glad to allow anyone with the willingness to code access to add features they find useful.


    LURKEN - 2012-11-15


    Me and my friends really enjoy this program, but I would like to improve some of the command parsing.

    Example: Make it possible to write //diff and //tdiff or //sys instead of the whole

    Thank you for an awsome program!

    Edit: Oh! Also the option to make rolls of 1 remove a success!
    (useful when playing vampire)


    Last edit: LURKEN 2012-11-15
  • Cody Duncan

    Cody Duncan - 2012-11-16

    Added you to the developer permissions, LURKEN.


    LURKEN - 2012-11-16

    Cool, thanks!

    This is my first sourceforge project, so I will read up a bit on how I should commit updates.

  • Leer

    Leer - 2013-04-23

    Hi, im totally newb in C++, but want to try some features for ShadowRun system
    it's simellar to d10 sys but it's on d6 dices with some changes

    What tools have you used for coding this?


    Last edit: Leer 2013-04-23
  • Cody Duncan

    Cody Duncan - 2013-04-24

    Under normal circumstances, I would be all about you submitting progress on the project. But I want to note that very soon (approx 3 weeks), I had been thinking about re-factoring the project again.

    A current user stores:
    1. users don't like the output format, and want it changed
    2. users want different input capabilities
    3. users want the resulting summation to work differently
    4. users want adaptations for new systems (like in your case)

    However, these sorts of changes require work on the part of developers to code the project in c++, and submit the changes or use them, and the current system isn't well designed for more additions on top of the current dicerolling syntax.

    So to fix that, I was thinking about leveraging the power of lua's capability to communicate with c++. The huge advantage is that lua is interpreted, so all the major dice-rolling tasks can take place in a script that is user visible. This would allow users to make a tweak to the output format easily, without having to recompile the project entirely. Additionally, it means that you can switch between scripts, allowing different scripts to be specialized for different systems. Just allowing users to have access to the
    Skype chat data opens up a world of possibilities for remote table-top gaming.

    I'm going to go ahead and give you access to the project anyway, but I ask that if I pull off this scheme, that you write a wonderful script to handle shadowrun. :)


    Last edit: Cody Duncan 2013-04-24
  • Leer

    Leer - 2013-04-24

    no problem (=

  • Adrian Tymes

    Adrian Tymes - 2013-12-13

    I have a one-off feature extension. If you replace the LuaDiceRoller.lua with what I've attached, it can handle multiplication as well as addition - i.e., "1d2+3*4". Multiplication is hardcoded to happen after addition.

    BTW, will this die roller continue to work after Skype's upcoming API changes? I saw something about "don't pass chat messages to the API", which suggests they may be shutting bots like this down.


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