Diamond Configuration-Wizard:
Linux Drivers: Nvidia, AMD Ati, HP Printers Software: Unetbootin, Virtualbox Addons: Chromium, Flash-plugins, Codecs, Firmware-realtek, Firmware-linux, Rar
Download: Diamond Linux /home/$USER/Advanced/... or Desktop/Advanced/...
Gnome Utility Disk segmentation fault when encrypting a disk Diamond Master,GrandMaster,Mining GEN#4 based on Debian
Click "Kickoff" > "Applications" -> "Utilities" -> "Byobu Terminal"
kdesudo gnome-disks
Status: not actual 1.7.0+
Open Visual Traceroute Failed to start: Debian Stretch Diamond Linux based on Debian GEN#5 / Debian 9 Stretch + KDE Plasma 5 ovtr_1.6.5-1_amd64.deb
file: /usr/share/OpenVisualTraceRoute/gksu_ovtr.sh
replace: gksudo -u root "$DIR/ovtr_run_as_root.sh" -> sh "$DIR/ovtr_run_as_root.sh"
Bug #5043 on PlayOnLinux Playonlinux is impossible to interact since buttons are not visible, Some dialogue windows buttons don't show up or show up partially.
Diamond Fix https://store.kde.org/p/1245628/
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Diamond Configuration-Wizard:
Linux Drivers: Nvidia, AMD Ati, HP Printers
Software: Unetbootin, Virtualbox
Addons: Chromium, Flash-plugins, Codecs, Firmware-realtek, Firmware-linux, Rar
Download: Diamond Linux
Last edit: Diamond Linux 2018-04-07
Gnome Utility Disk segmentation fault when encrypting a disk
Diamond Master,GrandMaster,Mining GEN#4 based on Debian
Click "Kickoff" > "Applications" -> "Utilities" -> "Byobu Terminal"
kdesudo gnome-disks
Last edit: Diamond Linux 2017-08-26
Status: not actual 1.7.0+
Open Visual Traceroute Failed to start: Debian Stretch
Diamond Linux based on Debian GEN#5 / Debian 9 Stretch + KDE Plasma 5
gksudo -u root "$DIR/ovtr_run_as_root.sh" -> sh "$DIR/ovtr_run_as_root.sh"
Last edit: Diamond Linux 2018-03-07
Bug #5043 on PlayOnLinux
Playonlinux is impossible to interact since buttons are not visible,
Some dialogue windows buttons don't show up or show up partially.
Diamond Fix