Activity for Dia Diagram Editor

  • Hani Akeila Hani Akeila posted a comment on ticket #112

    I have solved the issue. I opened the recovered .dia file by clicking on the .dia file itself. The layers were not showing. But when I opened dia by clicking the dia.exe and then open the recovered file from File menue, then the layers were shown.

  • Hani Akeila Hani Akeila posted a comment on ticket #112

    Thanks Ryan. However, After I recovered the .autosave file (by renaming .dia.autosave to .dia), It seems that I lost all of the layers I had in the diagram. The diagram is recovered successfully but I can't select any sub-diagram on different layers. Is there a way to find where the layers or recover them?

  • John Maldonado John Maldonado posted a comment on ticket #98

    So many thanks, This is what I did, Febreary 13th 2023 Apps to download 1. XQUARTZ: why? well, without it will not get installed link: Of course link: CotEditor: From AppStore, this one will be useful later on to edit code. Install process steap 1: Install XQUARTZ, easy piace acept temrs and contions and hit next. steap 2: Install DIA, don't try to open DIA once installcion is done, follow instructions from...

  • gizmo2093 gizmo2093 created ticket #144

    dont show version programm in programms and components

  • dilou dilou posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Trying to install dia on xubuntu 22.04 i Get the follwoing error messages: Dépaquetage de dia:i386 (0.97.2-5) ... dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de dia:i386 : dia:i386 dépend de libc6 (>= 2.7). dia:i386 dépend de libcairo2 (>= 1.2.4). dia:i386 dépend de libfreetype6 (>= 2.2.1). dia:i386 dépend de libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.22.0). dia:i386 dépend de libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.24.0). dia:i386 dépend de libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0). dia:i386 dépend de libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.18.0). dia:i386...

  • Rafa Rafa posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, is there any dark mode for the whole interface for the program?

  • Philippe Philippe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Could i open an Microsoft VSD file with DIA ? Regards Phil

  • kalkulek kalkulek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I found it, on the left, from the drop-down menu, select another and there appears an arrow with points up and down, and on the right, the inscription 1cm. This is what I was looking for.

  • kalkulek kalkulek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I use the DIA program to create buildings project and electrical installations, always designing to scale. I am looking for a line with a dimension, i.e. not to count the dimensions manually, but to select from A to B and that the arrow shows the distance. I find this ones long time ago and I don't remember where it was. Coult you help me? Thanks a lot.

  • Zaiden Zaiden posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Could you share the idea that how will we use it properly. As we use it on best road bike helmets website. But stilly showing errors. The error is about 322. What does it means? Can you help with it?

  • emblendung emblendung created ticket #143

    Flowchart Box Property "draw background" not working

  • Hardev Singh Hardev Singh posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Are there any plans to provide import template functions so that we can create for example excel list based process flows and have them come into DIA, instead of having them go to visio?

  • heavymetalhaus heavymetalhaus created ticket #142

    Donating via PayPal does not work, says "This organization's page is broken."

  • Rudy K. Rudy K. created ticket #141

    Add .VSDX support Import/Open/Save/Export into Dia.

  • giorgos giorgos posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    While i was trying to use the programm i wanted to use the underlining, the last choice in the toolbox, But the result of using it was a creation of a questionmark, which is not helping at all. I dont understand the connection between the underlining and the questionmark.

  • giorgos giorgos posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    One more problem/bug i face is about saved files. After i saved my project to the desktop i wanted to open it again . 1. I am running Dia. 2. I am trying to open file. 3. I am searching in desktop to find the saved project and 0 results. 4. Same when i am typing the file in search

  • giorgos giorgos posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Those days i download Dia and i have a bug when i am starting the project. Every time i press the run button , 3 pages pops . Dia v0.97.2 Diagram1.dia * C:\program Files (x86)\Dia\bin\dia.exe When i am closing the the third page the reamaing 2 are closing too. Also is very diffuclt to use the programm when every time i am making a line the tool page is dissapearing.

  • Chiachi Chiachi posted a comment on ticket #138

    I second this request. This absolute path to images really prevents people from collaborating the diagram. Even in the same Linux machine, moving the diagram to different directory causes embedding images to no longer show up correctly. This may be the long overdue change that can really make a huge positive impact in terms of portability.

  • yard yard posted a comment on ticket #126

    This error still sit in gnome

  • Alan L Alan L created ticket #140

    diashapes fails to run on macOS Catalina

  • Kristina Zogovic Kristina Zogovic created ticket #139

    .Help with downloading

  • SWATI JOSHI SWATI JOSHI posted a comment on ticket #112

    Solved. Thank you

  • SWATI JOSHI SWATI JOSHI posted a comment on ticket #112

    Please help me recover my autosaved file. Thank you

  • El Santo El Santo created ticket #138

    Absolute path for image files

  • Joe Hood Joe Hood posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I just installed Dia and it crashes immediately on run. Is there a dependency or issue of which I am not aware? This is for Dia-0.97.2-7.

  • Matěj Šauer Matěj Šauer posted a comment on ticket #124

    Hello, i have the same problem. The cause of problem was microsoft defender. I had to allow dia actions in it and then it works.

  • DaHo DaHo posted a comment on ticket #134

    Thanks for your response! I wasn't aware of that. I just issued the bug report you referred to. What happens with this bug report? To clarify: I meant the foursqaured button on my keyboard.

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #134

    Step one would be opening a bug report at foursqaured button?

  • DaHo DaHo posted a comment on ticket #134

    I'm new here so I don't know how this usually works. Would it be possible to confimr that this ticket was received? Thanks in advance!

  • Eric Hatfield Eric Hatfield posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. I did try that, but only partial success.

  • Ove Nordstrom Ove Nordstrom posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I got it working see post before, you need fix some small things Regards, ove

  • Eric Hatfield Eric Hatfield posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have recently downloaded Dia because I wanted to do some simple organisational diagrams. I use a Mac running Catalina. The first time I used it, it worked perfectly. I produced the diagram I wanted , saved it and printed it out. All good. But then today I went back to modify the diagram and I found: When I opened the saved version it was blank. When I tried to open a second version of the file I got an error message saying Dia wasn't open. When I tried to close Dia down I got the same error message....

  • Ove Nordstrom Ove Nordstrom posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I also have to add /bin/bash to the Full Disk Access, according to this:

  • Ove Nordstrom Ove Nordstrom posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ok I found this: look like it works now.

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well there has never been an official release for macOS as such, so whatevers on is the latest The next release will have an official macOS version

  • Ove Nordstrom Ove Nordstrom posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    where you get the latest release for mac os x? at this page: ?

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That page (and this one...) were maintained by a third party who is no longer around For help getting existing releases to work on Catalina see Hope that helps :-)

  • Ove Nordstrom Ove Nordstrom posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I tried to install Dia on my Mac Os X 10.15.6 (Catalina), but I did not get it working. I read on the page;, it looks like Mac OS Catalina is not supported. Any plan to support Mac OS Catalina? Regards, Ove

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown modified ticket #137

    Block Dia from saving backup copies of files.

  • Trejder Trejder posted a comment on ticket #137

    Thank you for your response. So, nothing more to be done here. Ticket can be closed.

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #137

    Unfortunately there is no option for this, but it might be worth adding

  • Trejder Trejder created ticket #137

    Block Dia from saving backup copies of files.

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown modified ticket #136

    Is the project abandoned?

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #136

    This sourceforge project was never the official home of Dia and is dead Dia however remains maintained where it has always lived at GNOME, a new release is planned in a year or so

  • s-r-grass s-r-grass created ticket #136

    Is the project abandoned?

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown modified ticket #135

    Get to know DataBase references' connections

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #135

    You probably saved the file with compression on $ mv DummyDB.dia DummyDB.dia.gz $ gunzip DummyDB.dia $ head DummyDB.dia <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dia:diagram xmlns:dia=""> <dia:diagramdata> <dia:attribute name="background"> <dia:color val="#ffffff"/> </dia:attribute> <dia:attribute name="pagebreak"> <dia:color val="#000099"/> </dia:attribute> <dia:attribute name="paper"> And yup, is long dead, of course changing...

  • Ben Centin Ben Centin posted a comment on ticket #135

    Zander, thank you for trying hard to ensure backwards compatibility. Some of these ".dia" files are filed away and then pulled out years later when an enhancement is needed. I don't even know what version originally created them. I noticed one had a reference to xmlns:dia and but that site doesn't exist anymore. I tried to look at the "DummyDB.dia" file here, and it looks like binary. but the ".dia" filie I have is XML. I don't understand.

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #135

    Since I try hard to ensure newer Dia can open files from older Dia yes it's a safe assumption that the numbering of connections for a given version of a given object type will remain the same - if they don't it's a bug Hope that helps with your script

  • Santiago Peñate Vera Santiago Peñate Vera posted a comment on ticket #135

    Thanks a lot! Can we assume that the connections are numbered always like that?

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown modified a comment on ticket #135

    <dia:connections> <dia:connection handle="0" to="O0" connection="13"/> <dia:connection handle="1" to="O1" connection="14"/> </dia:connections> attr desc handle which handle (so in this case end) we are connecting from to object connected to connection which connection point on to <dia:connection handle="0" to="O0" connection="13"/> objects["02"].handles[0] --> objects["O3"].connections[13]

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #135

    <dia:connections> <dia:connection handle="0" to="O0" connection="13"/> <dia:connection handle="1" to="O1" connection="14"/> </dia:connections> attr desc handle which handle (so in this case end) we are connecting from to object connected to connection which connection point on to <dia:connection handle="0" to="O0" connection="13"/> objects["02"].handles[0] --> objects["O3"].connections[13]

  • Santiago Peñate Vera Santiago Peñate Vera created ticket #135

    Get to know DataBase references' connections

  • DaHo DaHo created ticket #134

    On Linux Mint Dia crashes the window manager after starting

  • Alex Alex posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I'm creating new shapes where I have many connections points (it's about switches and its interfaces) and it would be nice to have a scale factor for the entire shape so that both the area containing the image and the connections points would be scaled accordingly. Is there a way to already achieve that? I refer to Or may I use statements like or similar to

  • blabla blabla posted a comment on ticket #133

    Ok. Thank you for the information. I understand you are on a different operating system. The version I have on windows is 0.97.2. I have found a workaround though. I get a link from the icon and I put it on the screen instead of trying to join 2 activities directly. I can then move the ends of the link to attach them to the activities. In this case I have no crash. Maybe this can help troubleshoot.

  • Bubba Bubba posted a comment on ticket #108

    I went and updated XQuartz to 2.7.8 - still no joy.

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #133

    Assuming I understand you right this works in 0.97.3 Unfortunatly the previous maintainer never released that for Windows, eventually the next Dia release (which will feature HiDPI support, python3 and a whole range of bug fixes) will be available for Windows but I'm afraid I don't have a timeframe on that

  • blabla blabla created ticket #133

    IDEF0 diagram construction crash

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown modified ticket #132

    Toolbar buttons look inactive (greyed out)

  • Zander Brown Zander Brown posted a comment on ticket #132

    Your using some custom styles/icons, report this to them

  • Ryan Johnson Ryan Johnson created ticket #132

    Toolbar buttons look inactive (greyed out)

  • la la la la posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nevermind, I solved the problem, by exporting as '.svg' format, then load in latex. \usepackage{svg} \begin{figure}[!ht] \centering \includesvg[width=0.5\columnwidth % , svgpath=pics/ ]{pics/terms.svg} \end{figure}

  • la la la la posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried to draw an arc between "Mate Pairs" and "DNA molecule". But the direction of that arc is reversed, if I export as "latex PGF macro(.tex)", and display it in latex overleaf. Dia version 0.97.2. Windows 8.1(x64). \begin{figure} \centering \framebox{ \input{pics/terms.tex} } \caption{Terms for sequencing process} \label{fig:terms} \end{figure}

  • Jan Girke Jan Girke created ticket #131

    Anwendungsfalldiagramm Extend fehlt

  • Jennifer Thompson Jennifer Thompson posted a comment on ticket #128

    This article resolved the issue on my MacBook (macOS catalina): The "export DISPLAY =: 0" command is in an if block in now, so I just commented out the "if" and "fi", then it worked as outlined in the article.

  • dragomerlin dragomerlin created ticket #130

    svg file not viewed properly

  • Kalle Tuulos Kalle Tuulos created ticket #129

    Language is taken from Control Panel Format -field

  • Richard B. Finch Richard B. Finch created ticket #128

    Dia wont launch on MacBook Pro

  • Pawel Ciejka Pawel Ciejka posted a comment on ticket #105

    Well this script seems a little bit outdated, I don't see any reason to export DISPLAY in this script. There is also a second error preventing console usage for genereting images from diagrams. Arguments to script are not passed to dia binary. Proposed solution gets rid off both.

  • Piotr Czekalski Piotr Czekalski created ticket #127

    Outline tool text Fill does not work

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, This is being tracked on gitlab: If anybody else comes across this, please head over to This forum isn't monitored by the developers. Thanks, Eduard

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, This is being tracked on gitlab: If anybody else comes accross this, please head over to This forum isn't monitored by the developers. Thanks, Eduard

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, This is being tracked on gitlab: If anybody else comes accross this, please head over to This forum isn't monitored by the developers. Thanks, Eduard

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Marcus, Thanks for letting us know. I'm glad to hear you have solved the issue! All The Best, Eduard

  • Trebly Trebly created ticket #126

    Registration on the site of the project impossible

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have solved the problem myself. "font-family:sans" is not understood by Windows - for obvious reasons. Just leaving the font-family out solves the problem and the symbols work in both Ubuntu and Windows.

  • Marco Sillano Marco Sillano posted a comment on ticket #125

    Now i get some results using <ext_attributes>..</ext_attributes>: when I edit the '.shape' file I must re-do File/Sheets and Objects Dialog, to re-import the modified version. OK Still I have some problems with 'composite' and 'enum'... essentially lack of documentation, I'm doing tests. Best reagards. m.s.

  • Marco Sillano Marco Sillano created ticket #125

    Attributes in custom shape

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello dia friends, I have a problem. I am a teacher in school and I am using - on Windows though - almost soley open source software to teach my students about the greatness of it. We are modelling business processes using so called "event-based process chains". I have developed symbols for it and put them in a sheet. They work great on my dia in Ubuntu. However, when opening the sheet in dia in Windows on the students computers, some symbols (operators AND, OR and XOR) are simply invisible. And...

  • Alexander Abreu Alexander Abreu modified a comment on ticket #105

    Working for me and would work on any Mac OS X version; just follow these steps: 1. Download both files: Dia and XQuartz. 2. Install both - Do not run any of them. 3. Go to Applications/Dia/Resources/bin and open "dia" file with your prefer text editor. 4. It's time to add this line (export DISPLAY=:0) into the code: 5. Before line 27 and after line 40. (Remember the code to add is: export DISPLAY=:0) 6. Must looks like the attached image. 7. Save the changes and run Dia. 8. Everything nust be good...

  • Alexander Abreu Alexander Abreu modified a comment on ticket #105

    Working for me and would work on any Mac OS X version; just follow these steps: 1. Download both files: Dia and XQuartz. 2. Install both - Do not run any of them. 3. Go to Applications/Dia/Resources/bin and open "dia" file with your prefer text editor. 4. It's time to add this line into this code: 5. Before line 27 and after line 40. 6. Must looks like the attached image. 7. Save the changes and run Dia. 8. Everything nust be good with a functional Dia.

  • Alexander Abreu Alexander Abreu posted a comment on ticket #105

    Working for me and would work on any Mac OS X version; just follow these steps: 1. Download both files: Dia and XQuartz 2. Install both - Do not run any of them. 3. Go to Applications/Dia/Resources/bin and open "dia" file with your prefer text editor 4. It's time to add this line into this code: 5. Before line 27 and after line 40 6. Must looks like this Image 7. Save the changes and run Dia. 8. Everything nust be good with a functional Dia.

  • Sebastian Wilson Sebastian Wilson posted a comment on ticket #124

    Has there been any resolution to this? I am getting the same error message (apart from file path), and would like to know if there is a solution to this.

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Ron, I see this question has received a bit of traffic: Dia is not dead, a few people are working very hard to bring it up to date since it has been unmaintained for about 4 years now. We are looking for help. The new source repository has moved over to GNOME gitlab: I'm not sure if diagrams can be resized. Perhaps exporting them to a shape and then using that? I'm also not sure if other developers read this forum, based on the dates, probably not. Your best...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi All, Sorry for the late reply: I've just got dia to compile on windows with MSYS2 and Meson ( This is part of an ongoing effort of porting the dia build to meson. If you are still interested in Windows development please get in touch on the mailling list: I would also recommend you check out my current meson_port branch: and have a play with it. I currently use git version...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Heyward, Sorry for the late reply, Dia has been asleep for a long time and we're currently in the process of waking it up. If you still have the problem, I think it is easier to send an email to the mailing list directly: Providing your Linux distribution and dia version would also help solve the issue. Thanks, Eduard

  • Trilomix Trilomix modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, This is an HowTo for developer who want to compile their own dia with windows Fisrt of all yo need to get Msys2 ( Install it (Don't place it in a directory with space like "Program File") Then Update via the Msys2 Terminal Update pacman -Su pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-binutils mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-i686-gdb pacman -S make pkgconfig autoconf automake libtool intltool pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gtk2 mingw-w64-i686-gtk3 pacman -S...

  • Andrej Andrej posted a comment on ticket #37

    For record. When i try to type with Latvina ('.) keyboard layout (Input Method is System(simple)) instead of symbols "āšķēž" i get "áśḱéź". I am on Windows7 (Dia 0.97.2) right now, and this keyboard layout is popular in Latvia but comes from different third party software, hopefully, when i go to Win10 or Ubuntu, this problem will go away.

  • Barry Ross Barry Ross created ticket #124

    Bad File Descriptor when saving a diagram

  • Heyward Hagenbuch Heyward Hagenbuch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When I try and open DIA, I get an error message. An xterm window pops up that says bash-3.2$ Does anyone know how to fix this problem, thanks.

  • Julian Julian created ticket #8

    version numbers broken on macOS

  • Tharbad Tharbad created ticket #123

    RTL support

  • Tharbad Tharbad posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Can you add RTL support? Thanks

  • Csanyi Pal Csanyi Pal posted a comment on ticket #39

    It works, but how can I select a piece of text in the Text object to copy and paste it into that same Text object?

  • Jonathan Phoun Jonathan Phoun posted a comment on ticket #118

    On the Edit tab, click on “Copy Diagram” and then you'll be able to paste it onto a document.

  • Jonathan Phoun Jonathan Phoun created ticket #122

    After drawing always goes back to mouse pointer

  • Ines Canjura Ines Canjura created ticket #121

    Features missing on Windows 10 from version 0.97.2-2.

  • Lynne Lawrence Lynne Lawrence posted a comment on ticket #119

    At the bottom of the left-hand pane there are clickable boxes that let you configure the defaults for lines.

  • Francis Gernet Francis Gernet created ticket #120

    Unable to install diashapes_0.3.0-1_amd64.deb

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