
DHSD / News: Recent posts

Looking for a new Project Admin

Due to lack of time i cannot continue to develop DHSD, i am now looking for a replacement. The job is advertised on SF's job searcher. Good Luck.

Posted by Andrew Williams 2002-02-22

DHSD Win32 port in progress

After being forced back to Windows (due to the lack of HD space and a requirement to HAVE Windows installed) i have decided to do a port of DHSD to Windows. I know of other tools already existing for this purpose but id rather have my own than another persons =P.

Ive just got a basic version of Visual C++ 5, so i can hope to start developing soon...and see how it goes.

Posted by Andrew Williams 2000-09-13

DHSD v1.0 Released!

I finally done it...whoopie!
Please remember to sumbit bugs!

Posted by Andrew Williams 2000-07-27

DHSD 0.03 Release

At last! ive go into gear and finally got myself to release a new version. This version includes multiple host support and a few other extras, check the changelog for more info

Posted by Andrew Williams 2000-07-04

DHSD v0.03 in testing

All of 0.03 is feature complete and i will be hopefully be releasing within the next few days, i just want to do a few bug fixes and code cleanups before it can be released.


Posted by Andrew Williams 2000-06-27

Beta Testers Required

Now that DHSD is getting a bit more mature, we require some beta testers to help find all those bugs that might be lurking away in the code. For being a beta tester you should be able to access the CVS and attend a few testing meetings on efnet...Interested? then email me at


Posted by Andrew Williams 2000-06-01


Another release hits the floor!

This version its a bit improved with now a config file
system and new makefile install....should be a hell
of a lot easier now.

Posted by Andrew Williams 2000-05-29


After a time in development the first version roles off...
please note that is this a beta release and is not 100%
assured to work

Posted by Andrew Williams 2000-05-27