
DansGuardian Webmin Module / News: Recent posts

0.7.0beta1 Released!

Version 0.7.0beta1 of the module has been released. Please check it out and give us your feedback!

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2009-05-29

0.5.11 Released!

Module version 0.5.11 has been released. This release is ONLY for DansGuardian 2.8 and below. It will NOT work with DG 2.9 or 2.10

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2008-10-08

Module 0.7.0 Development

Greetings everyone!
Just over 3 years ago module 0.5.10-pr5 was released to the wild. Since then quite a bit has changed with DansGuardian, my perl skills have grown and we had a few patch submissions. The time has come to update the module to operate with DansGuardian 2.9. Development is underway, so please stay tuned for the (hopefully) soon release!

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2008-10-08

DansGuardian 2.9 Compatibility

Greetings everyone!
I thought I would post a note regarding the Webmin Module and DansGuardian 2.9 Compatibility.

There are plans to make the module work with DG 2.9, however it requires a severe re-write to the module itself. I will definately need some people to help with that, but in the mean time if you require the module to work you will need to use DG 2.8. Sorry for the trouble. If you are interested in helping, please let me know! Thanks!

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2006-10-25

0.5.10-pr5 released!

Version 0.5.10-pr5 of the module has been released. Please check out the Files section and read the Release Notes for more information.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2005-09-27

0.5.10-pr4 released

All users of 0.5.10-pr series should upgrade to this version. It fixes a few major bugs.

- Fixed issue with saveconf.cgi where it wasn't saving some options under content section
- Fixed "access denied" issue with editing files

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2004-07-27

0.5.10-pr3 released!

Go download it! This release fixes several bugs including the config editor bug. Also includes support for DG 2.8

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2004-07-23

0.5.10 Prerelease 2 is out

That's right folks! PR2 is out. This version includes the first glance at filter groups support, so take a peek and give some feedback please. Happy downloading!

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2004-04-19

0.5.10 PreRelease 1 is out!

Please download and give feedback on this PreRelease version. There are a few things that have been changed which make this module more secure, a bit faster, and slightly easier to use.

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2004-03-31

Version 0.5.2 is Available

Version 0.5.2 is out. Download it and abuse it =)

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2003-05-06

Version 0.5.1 is available!

Version 0.5.1 is available for testing. Give it a good beating and let me know what is broke! Or if you have any features you would like implemented, just let me know!

Posted by Adam Kennedy 2003-05-01