
#12 move over to GitHub?

Roger Meier

What about moving over to GitHub? Much more developers are over there and Pull Request workflow is super easy. e.g. is ready to use, I've already added Stefan Schmidt as owner.



  • Tormod Volden

    Tormod Volden - 2016-01-16

    I think it would be healthy to have alternatives to github. Anyone can post comments here on SF (subject to moderation) without signing up, although it would be nice if that would work for creating tickets too. What I miss currently is the mailing list, so that patches can be posted, discussed and reviewed per mail.

    On the other side, SF was down again yesterday. I will keep this ticket open.

  • Tormod Volden

    Tormod Volden - 2016-01-27
    • Milestone: 1.0 --> none
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-02-21

    I wish this project to move to Github.

  • Roger Wolff

    Roger Wolff - 2016-11-17

    I vote for Github! :-)
    With other source code control systems, if the master suddenly goes down, you still need to extract the repository before you can move to anohter. When it comes back... it's easier to stay. Catch22.

    With git, everybody has the full repository, so, having an alternative ready-to-go is not as important as with other SCCSs.

  • Rob Riggs

    Rob Riggs - 2017-03-25

    Please move to github. It is way easier fo me to provide meaningful patches via github. You will have more contributors.

  • Rob Riggs

    Rob Riggs - 2017-03-25

    Anyone can post comments here on SF (subject to moderation) without signing up

    Ahem... just look at this very thread to see a year old post that was never moderated. It is very difficult to have meaningful engagement with your users and other developers on SF.

  • Tormod Volden

    Tormod Volden - 2017-03-26

    Don't take that unmoderated post as anything else than just a bit of passive censorship :) I saw it one year ago but it didn't contribute to the discussion. I didn't know it would still show up for others.

    I am setting up the mailing list again for superior communication between users and developers. The previous list disappeared in a fatal disk crash at the hoster.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-06-28

    I would be in favor of at least having a mirror on github that could accept pull requests. I think the reality today is that this project would get more engagement and visibility on Github than on SF.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2021-01-26
    Post awaiting moderation.


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