
dFTree Dynamic Javascript Folder Tree / News: Recent posts

Version 0.2.3

- New strategy to depict tree to solve bug 2004450 and to enable dFTree to display two and more open children of the same parent under IE6
- Control, view and data paradigm: layout objects control the HTML elements while dFTree and dNode objects contain the tree data.
- Documentation is moved to WIKI
- Code documentation generated with JSDoc

Posted by Benoit VAN BOGAERT 2008-07-05

Documentation available in WIKI

The documentation has been moved to the sourceforge WIKI

Posted by Benoit VAN BOGAERT 2008-06-24

Version 0.2.2

The release 0.2.2 has been validated on IE 6 and Firefox Volunteers are welcome to test it on other plate forms. It contains:
- By default, the layout is textual but it can also use icons
- By default, it stores the state in cookies
- It supports removing nodes and altering visual properties after construction
- If configured it implements a lazy construction. The HTML object are created only for visible nodes. It is useful when many nodes must be loaded.
- A new object implements a dynamic construction using AJAX. Only the definition of visible nodes (and their direct children) is loaded. It is useful for large tree like file system view.

Posted by Benoit VAN BOGAERT 2008-06-24