Welcome to DFAlib Wiki.
DFAlib is a fork of RE2
The reason for forking a project from RE2 was to address use cases that conflict with RE2's mission to be lightweight. DFAlib will provide the programmer with more control of the internal behaviors and additional API's implementing new features that were not acceptable for RE2, given it's design goals. That a fork should occur under these circumstances is quite natural and does not reflect poorly on the authors of the original library, rather the opposite. Their work is worthy of building on to take in a different direction. There is a need for both types of libraries-- RE2 and DFAlib, as they reflect different design goals.
The design goals of DFAlib will be discussed further in the blog and discussion group sections.
DFAlib is C++ library.
Administrator notes:
The wiki uses Markdown syntax.
The necessary renaming that will allow for re2 and dfalib to coexist is under way. Namespace and library artifacts will be changing to dfaregex from re2.