
How to use

  1. Run the downloadscript.bat program to download the definition data from dexonline and export it as text.
  2. Open buildTool and start with step 0 (data import)
  3. Continue with steps 1 to 10 in order. At each step check the errors and warnings and decide if you need to correct the definition data or the errors are harmless. If you implement corrections, you usually need to re-run the current step or the whole process form the beginning (depends on the level you implement the correction)
  4. Go to Wikistart sheet and enter the range of rows for shich to generate the definitions (range of rows in the DEX sheet in defdata). Mark if you want the program to check on internet if the definitions exists in Wikipedea and Wiktionary (normally you shou use this; uncheck it only for test purposes).
  5. Check the definitions generated on sheet WIKIOUT and press „Saleveaza fisierele. This will generate a text file for each deifnition in the out subfolder and a list.txt file with the list of definitions to be imported in Wiktionary
  6. Use AutoWikiBrowser to import the definitions in Wiktionary.