
devtool / News: Recent posts

New Devtool Version Released

Now we have released the version 0.0.11 to support eclipse3.0.x and the version 0.0.12 to support eclipse2.1.x.
- Now we support multiple JDO Vendor Profiles
- Now we support a GUI Editor for JDO Metadata Files
- At the moment we only support Extensions for Triactive JDO (IntelliBO extension page temporary removed)
- At the moment we don't support map,collection or array types

Posted by Huluvu424242 2004-05-16

New version 0.0.10 of devtool project

Now a new version of Project Development Tools for Eclipse from the devtool project are available.

At now the project home page support a little tutorial.

Thanks for your interest Thomas

Posted by Huluvu424242 2004-03-27

init version 0.0.2 for jdosupport available


now the first version of jdosupport plugin is available.
Please use the testupdates site of devtool project for eclipse installer.

If the installer don't work, use the download file.

Please send me a feedback via sourceforge mail.

Posted by Huluvu424242 2002-08-11