
DevPortal / News: Recent posts

DevPortal Beta 2 coming soon

Yes, it's been quite a while since the last release... Life kinda got in the way ;-)

But things haven't been completely dead... Two major things have been happening during this last year:

First, I've been working on a customized ubuntu installer, that can be used to setup a complete development environment (devportal, svn, hudson, wiki), all completely setup and integrated, ready to work :-). This can be used to create a devportal VM, or to be installed directly bare-metal on a server... read more

Posted by Yannick Menager 2009-05-05

DevPortal 1.0beta1r2 released (compiled with jdk1.5)

Due to a misconfiguration in the continuous integration system, the 1.0beta1 build was compiled using jdk1.6, which means it won't deploy on a 1.5 JVM. The r2 build fixes this problem

Posted by Yannick Menager 2008-07-23

DevPortal 1.0beta1 released !

DevPortal is a portal that centralizes all information regarding software projects, as well as integrates with various other tools in order to provide an end-to-end support for the project, as well as streamlining the project development life cycle.

Posted by Yannick Menager 2008-07-19