
Dev-C++ 5.11 Lib addition of curses

  • Richard Wamser

    Richard Wamser - 2017-01-04

    I sure could yuse some help. I am using Dev-C++ as my programming system for C++ I have down loaded and unziped "ncurses" and I am trying to add the curses fuctions to my simple program ( want to be able to place text at a particular spot on the screen. I can see in project that you can add packages which might be the way to do it but I can't find anything that looks like packages or anything elese for adding the curses libary. Not sure what to look for or how to install or add curses

  • Richard Wamser

    Richard Wamser - 2017-01-04




    using namespace std;
    //void gotoxy(int x, int y);
    //COORD = coord;
    // coord.X = x;
    // coord.Y = y;
    // SetConsoleCursorPositionpublic(GetStdHandle(STD_Output_Handle),coord);

    int main(void)

    HANDLE hStdout;
    COORD destCoord;
    hStdout = (GetStdHande(StD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
    destCoord.X = 10;
    destCoord.Y = 10;
    SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdout, destCoord);

    system("COLOR FC");
    system("COLOR 1F");
    double hours, rate, pay,next;
    cout << "How many Hours did you Work ?";
    cin >> hours;

    cout << "How much do you get payed per hour ?" ;
    cin >> rate;
    pay = hours * rate ;
    cout  <<"You have earned $" << pay <<endl;
    cout << "The progeam has ended";
    return 0;

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