I sure could yuse some help. I am using Dev-C++ as my programming system for C++ I have down loaded and unziped "ncurses" and I am trying to add the curses fuctions to my simple program ( want to be able to place text at a particular spot on the screen. I can see in project that you can add packages which might be the way to do it but I can't find anything that looks like packages or anything elese for adding the curses libary. Not sure what to look for or how to install or add curses
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
system("COLOR FC");
system("COLOR 1F");
double hours, rate, pay,next;
cout << "How many Hours did you Work ?";
cin >> hours;
cout << "How much do you get payed per hour ?" ;
cin >> rate;
pay = hours * rate ;
cout <<"You have earned $" << pay <<endl;
cout << "The progeam has ended";
return 0;
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I sure could yuse some help. I am using Dev-C++ as my programming system for C++ I have down loaded and unziped "ncurses" and I am trying to add the curses fuctions to my simple program ( want to be able to place text at a particular spot on the screen. I can see in project that you can add packages which might be the way to do it but I can't find anything that looks like packages or anything elese for adding the curses libary. Not sure what to look for or how to install or add curses
using namespace std;
//void gotoxy(int x, int y);
//COORD = coord;
// coord.X = x;
// coord.Y = y;
// SetConsoleCursorPositionpublic(GetStdHandle(STD_Output_Handle),coord);
int main(void)
HANDLE hStdout;
COORD destCoord;
hStdout = (GetStdHande(StD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
destCoord.X = 10;
destCoord.Y = 10;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdout, destCoord);
system("COLOR FC");
system("COLOR 1F");
double hours, rate, pay,next;
cout << "How many Hours did you Work ?";
cin >> hours;