
getting rid of rm

  • Marek Januszewski


    previously Michal Molhanec, now another person requested that we did something with rm.
    Michal proposed creating a separate package which would require creating and maintaining a separate package. Michael requested that we used a native tool.
    that would require using del.

    since dev-c++ is supposed to be cross platform I propose that we use ${RM} instead of rm in mingw-make defines this environment variable as rm -f, which is not so good.
    I think that a better way to do it would be changing that variable on top of the makefile

    with something like:
    ifeq "${OS}" "Windows_NT"
    RM= del
    which is going to work fine on systems where %OS% returns Windows_NT - definitely on 95 and most likely on Windows 98 it's something else like like Windows_95.

    my goal would be to make the makefile as cross platform as possible, so it requires minimal or no changes when moved to unix like systems.

    any ideas?

    • Marek Januszewski

      If no one oposes I'm going to add:

      ifneq ($(windir),)
      RM= del /y

      and use ${RM} in Makefile.
      We're not going to port dev-c++ anytime soon, but it's always something.

      • Marek Januszewski

        problem is when I do
        RM= del /f/q

        when dev-c++ rebuilds project by
        make -f clean all
        it fails when del /f/q returns error code when one of the files doesn't exist. rm -f doesn't return error when one of files doesn't exist


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