
Tree [610319] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 README 2012-10-07 David Santiago David Santiago [610319] Corrected the name of the perl script in the RE... 2012-10-07 David Santiago David Santiago [8f1a38] I changed the call to the nowplaying method to ...

Read Me


Scrobbler for XMMS2. 

What this doesn't do:
*- Multiscroble. It just scrobble to one server (only to - NOTE: doesn't support the new 2.0 API from
*- re-scrobble (or store it for later scrobbling...) a song when the song fails.
*- Simultaneous scrobbling (only one scrobble at a time). 

What this does:
*- Send the now playing status when a song changes.
*- When it changes to a new song, it will scrobble the previous song if it was listened for more than 30 seconds.

Dependencies (besides some specific libs you'll find in cpan):
*- uzbl browser (

To run it:

In the machine where you have the xmms2 running:
$ perl

To terminate it:
In the machine where you have the xmms2 running:

BashShell$ kill -2 `pidof perl`

Please note that this command will kill a perl program. Please be sure that the xmms2 scrobble is the only one running on your box.

Contact for info, requests and bugs: :-)