
Dequiem / Blog: Recent posts


We are proud to announce the
come out of Dequiem1.8

The versions are these :

Dequiem1.8 Dequiem1.8(rar)
Linux Version Windows Version

Patch notes :
-portscan mode added
-help mode changed
-interface is better now

Drarqua GHS Storm & Rebel Yell

Posted by Drarqua-Rebel 2012-05-13


We are proud to announce the
come out of Dequiem1.7

The versions are these :

Dequiem1.7 Dequiem1.7(rar)
Linux Version Windows Version

Patch notes :
-music added
-findip mode added
-little bugs fixed
-in DDoS mode you decide how many connections

Drarqua GHS Storm & Rebel Yell

P.S we are working also on the hack mode on sqli

Posted by Drarqua-Rebel 2012-05-07


We are proud to announce the
come out of Dequiem1.6
We made two Versions
Bug Fixes :
-Packet send fixed
-DDoS works now
-PC doesn't crash more
-exe version for windows is made

Dequiem1.6 Dequiem1.6(rar)
Linux Version Windows Version

These two are Beta Versions

Drarqua GHS Storm & Rebel Yell

Posted by Drarqua-Rebel 2012-05-04

Dequiem 1.5

We are proud to announce the
come out of Dequiem1.5
We made two Versions

Dequiem1.5 Dequiem1.5(Lite)
Simple Version Lite Version

Because people with windows informed us that Dequiem
crashed their pc we made the Lite version

Also and the 2 packets are
in test phase

Drarqua GHS Storm & Rebel Yell

Posted by Drarqua-Rebel 2012-05-03 Labels: Dequiem Dequiem1.5 Dequiem1.5(Lite) ddos

Dequiem 1.4

We are proud to announce you the new Version of Dequiem
Dequiem 1.4
We fixed some bugs in ddos mode
and now it works
You can download it from here

Posted by Drarqua-Rebel 2012-05-01 Labels: Dequiem1.4 ddos bugs fixed

Hack mode

We are currently working on hack mode
It will be a SQL Injection tool probably
so it will have 2 modes :

Hack mode DDoS mode
SQL Injection Stress Test

Drarqua GHS Storm & Rebel Yell

Posted by Drarqua-Rebel 2012-05-01


Dequiem is a hacking tool which is currently
developed by the ethical Gray Hat hackers
Drarqua GHS Storm
Rebel Yell (who decided to help in this project)

We will do our best in order to give you something
Really nice .

Drarqua GHS Storm & Rebel Yell

Posted by Drarqua-Rebel 2012-04-30 Labels: Dequiem Drarqua Rebel Drarqua GHS Storm & Rebel Yell hacking tool ethical Gray Hat