
Delphi Persistent Object / News: Recent posts

DePO 0.30 is out!!

DePO is completely restructured. New objects in the framework add more flexibility to map business objects to existing database. Now is thread safe.
In the next days will be out documentation and a bug fix with new objects that will complete the framework.

Posted by Cosimo De Michele 2003-10-24

DePO 0.20a is out!

Minor bug fix, and documentation "DePO HowTo" in italian.
Please wait for Doc in english.

Posted by Cosimo De Michele 2003-06-11

DePO 0.20 is out!

-Added TpersistentList object a TList descendant with persistence capability;
-Added Attribute property on TPersistentObject for attribute introspection of value, datatype, etc.
-Totally revisited objects relationships (forwards and backwards), now more easy and clear, Documentation about this is working in progress will be released very soon.
-Finally a working demo!!! With relationships example with other objects and with the same object, the new possibility to query a value of a property by his name with the use of dot and the index for the list. Try to use "Items[0].Description" in the demo.
-I had not time to complete modification to the TDePODataset, i'm restructuring it to manage the null value and relationships with TFieldDataset and TADTField.
-Modified TcxPersistentListDataSource, now support the new persistent list.
-More, more stable!!!... read more

Posted by Cosimo De Michele 2003-06-03

DePO 0.19 is out! and now have the presentation layer

01-05-2003 Released DePO v0.19
I have resolved all segnalated bugs (that are many) and :
- added for presentation layer one functioning TDePODataset with OneToOne and OneToMany association working, and all data property type supported;
- added in PersistentCriteria the possibility to search for a property of a sub object, example: i have an invoice object with a sub object (one2One association) with an customer object that have a surname property. Now i can write Criteria.Add(TEqualsCriteria, 'Customer.Surname', [Value]);
- Resolved many bugs in TDBXMechanism (a big tnx to UpToWeb)

Posted by Cosimo De Michele 2003-05-02