
deplate 0.8.1 was released

This release incorporates the usual set of bugfixes, some general improvements, and support for dvipng. The way how ARG/XARG commands/macros work has changed.

Incompatible changes:
- deplate currently is slightly instable. This is related to a change of how ARG and XARG type of commands/macros work within #Def... regions, which are now passed through the template filter. In order to retain the old behaviour, set the legacyDefine1 variable.
- the locale-related modules were renamed to lang-* (in some cases underscores and dashes were transposed)
- most lists (e.g. css variable) are now comma-separated lists
- many regions (e.g. #For, #Def*) are first processed by the template filter before being actually expanded
- The use of @regNote (the part after the colon) will be deprecated in some future version; deplate currently displays a warning message that isn't always useful/correct and should currently be ignored in certain cases

- dvipng support (by Lucas Wilcox)
- Preliminary support for writing plays (stage, screen).
- A whitespace line is a valid region delimiter.
- The {step} macro allows to stepwise highlight text on a HTML page, which could be useful for doing HTML-based presentations.
- #INCLUDE is much more versatile now.
- #Native now takes an optional template! argument so that the body gets processed by the template filter.
- The {cite} now knows a few extra arguments.
- The environment variables are accessible from within a deplate document through the env[] variable (a hash).
- ''$ClassName[property]'' variable to set properties for all elements of a certain class.
- Can filter elements or particles according to the ''tag'' property by setting the efilter and/or pfilter variables.
- The #INCLUDE command can set variables for the included document.
- A whitespace line can be a valid region delimiter

New input format:
- play

New output format:
- latex-dramatist

New commands:
- #PP, #PROP (synonyms for #OPT)

New macros:
- mark1st, ~
- downcase, upcase, capitalize
- eprop

New modules:
- code-gvim71
- guesslanguage (guess the input document's language)
- html-highstep (''step'' macro)
- linkmap (Jeff Barczewski): markdown-like hyperlinks

For other changes please see the CHANGES.TXT.

Posted by Tom Link 2007-11-01

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