
multiple value errors when starting vim with viki plugin

  • Josiah Allen

    Josiah Allen - 2013-09-24


    The first error I encounter when starting vim is :

    Error detected while processing /home/josiah/.vim/plugin/viki.vim:
    line 30:
    tlib >= 0.39 is required.

    As a side-note, i did fork the t_lib, and put it in a bundles folder in the ./vim directory. So when I actually start vim and :set ft=viki, I get the following :

    Error detected while processing /home/josiah/.vim/ftplugin/viki.vim:
    line 48:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiFoldLevel
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiFoldLevel > 0 && &l:foldlevel == 0
    line 53:
    E117: Unknown function: tlib#balloon#Register
    line 74:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiAutoupdateFiles
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiAutoupdateFiles
    line 84:
    E216: No such group or event: viki CursorHold,CursorHoldI,InsertLeave <buffer> c
    all viki#UpdateHeadings()
    Error detected while processing function viki#DispatchOnFamily..viki_viki#MinorM
    line 5:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiNameSuffix
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiNameSuffix != '' && index(patterns, g:vikiNameSuf
    fix) == -1
    Error detected while processing function viki#DispatchOnFamily..viki_viki#MinorM
    line 7:
    E117: Unknown function: tlib#file#Split
    E15: Invalid expression: tlib#file#Split(vikiWordsBaseDir)
    Error detected while processing function viki#DispatchOnFamily..viki_viki#MinorM
    line 2:
    E117: Unknown function: tlib#var#Get
    E15: Invalid expression: tlib#var#Get('vikiAnchorMarker', 'wbg') . a:anchor
    line 4:
    E121: Undefined variable: anchorRx
    E15: Invalid expression: '\^\s*('. b:vikiCommentStart .')\?\s*'. anchorRx
    line 13:
    E121: Undefined variable: anchorRx
    E15: Invalid expression: '\V'. anchorRx
    Error detected while processing function viki#DispatchOnFamily..viki_viki#MinorM
    line 188:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiNameSuffix
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiNameSuffix != ''
    Error detected while processing /home/josiah/.vim/syntax/viki.vim:
    line 111:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiFancyHeadings
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiFancyHeadings
    line 186:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiHighlightMath
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiHighlightMath == 'latex'
    line 227:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiIndentedPriorityLists
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiIndentedPriorityLists ? '+' : ''
    line 229:
    E121: Undefined variable: s:plquant
    E15: Invalid expression: 'syn match vikiPriorityListTodoGen /^[[:blank:]]'. s:pl
    quant .'\zs#(T: +.{-}\u.{-}:|\d
    \u\d(\s+'. s:progress .')\?)(\s+(:
    ]/ contains=vikiContact,vikiTag,@vikiPriorityListTodo,@vikiText'
    line 230:
    E121: Undefined variable: s:plquant
    E15: Invalid expression: 'syn match vikiPriorityListDoneGen /^[[:blank:]]'. s:pl
    quant .'\zs#(T: +x([0-9%-]+)\?.{-}\u.{-}:|(T: +)\?\d
    \u\d +x'. s:pr
    ogress .'\?):\? .
    line 231:
    E121: Undefined variable: s:plquant
    E15: Invalid expression: 'syn match vikiPriorityListDoneX /^[[:blank:]]'. s:plqu
    ant .'\zs#X\d\?\s.*/'
    line 233:
    E108: No such variable: "s:plquant"
    line 278:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiFancyHeadings
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiFancyHeadings
    line 386:
    E121: Undefined variable: g:vikiMarkInexistent
    E15: Invalid expression: g:vikiMarkInexistent</buffer>

    sorry about the magnitude of this post. I'm not really sure where to start.

    E15: Invalid expression: tlib#file#Split(vikiWordsBaseDir)

    • Tom Link

      Tom Link - 2013-09-25

      I assume those errors are consequences of the first error. vimscript
      doesn't halt the execution of a script upon an error but happily continues
      evaluating the code thus causing more errors.

      Why did you fork tlib? Is there something that keeps you from updating to
      the current version? Is it very difficult to reconcile your version of tlib
      with HEAD version @ github? If not, I'd ask you to submit a pull request or
      patch and then update your copy of tlib.

  • Josiah Allen

    Josiah Allen - 2013-09-29

    Hi. Thanks for the reply. I actually don't know how to update the tlib plugin, and was hoping that by forking it, that I would have the most current version.

    • Tom Link

      Tom Link - 2013-09-30

      Hi. Thanks for the reply. I actually don't know how to update the tlib
      plugin, and was hoping that by forking it, that I would have the most
      current version.

      I assume that you did fork the source code repo @ github. I have to
      admit that I don't know how to update the repo directly on github.
      Usually, you would call "pull" or rather "fetch" + "merge". I don't know
      if github provides a ui for that. Maybe you should search the help docu
      @ github.


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