
Setting colors

Mark Novak
  • Mark Novak

    Mark Novak - 2011-01-07

    I have this in my rc file:

    let g:vikiFancyHeadings=1
    let g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_dark='LightBlue'
    let g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_light='LightBlue'
    let g:vikiHide='hide'
    let g:vikiFolds = ''
    set foldlevelstart=99

    But my hyperlinks are white and they aren't even underlined anymore. What do I have to change?

    Also the documentation -> :h viki.txt still mentions the old color names.

    Also the g:vikiFolds = '' doesn't do anything but the foldlevelstart=99 does.


  • Tom Link

    Tom Link - 2011-08-14

    Sorry for the delay. Your definition of g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_dark and g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_light is wrong. This has to be a string that is used as argument for the :hi def link command (see :help :hi-link). The default definition is:

        let g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_light = 'term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=DarkBlue'
        let g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_dark = 'term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=LightBlue guifg=#bfbfff'

    So you should change those lines to

        let g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_light = 'term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=LightBlue guifg=LightBlue'
        let g:viki_highlight_hyperlink_dark = 'term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=LightBlue guifg=#bfbfff'

    You only have to change one variable though depending on the value of the 'background' option.


  • Tom Link

    Tom Link - 2011-08-14

    You're right about g:vikiFolds for some values of g:vikiFoldMethodVersion.


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