
BufWritePost error and E117 unknown viki#SaveCache

John Kim
  • John Kim

    John Kim - 2013-04-18

    I'm reading Byte of Vim, and there is a section that talks about using Viki.

    I have the latest tlib, multvals, genutils, and Viki installed.

    In test.txt, I wrote:
    [[][Viki Syntax]]

    When :w, I received the following
    Error BufWritePost Auto commands for "*"
    E117: Unknown function: viki#SaveCache

    How can I fix this issue? thanks.

    • Tom Link

      Tom Link - 2013-04-18

      Am 2013-04-18 06:28, schrieb John Kim:

      When :w, I received the following

      Error BufWritePost Auto commands for "*"
      E117: Unknown function: viki#SaveCache

      That's strange. Which version of vim do you use? (What's the output of

      You need to have autoload, plugins etc. enabled.

      :filetype plugin indent on
      :syntax on

      The other plugins you've installed work properly? Is the variable
      g:vikiDefNil defined? (:echo exists('g:vikiDefNil'))


  • John Kim

    John Kim - 2013-04-19

    My vim version is 7.3

    Ok, I just added those 2 into my vimrc.

    :echo exists('g:vikiDefNil') gives me 0, so I don't think it exists.

    • Tom Link

      Tom Link - 2013-04-19

      Am 2013-04-19 06:48, schrieb John Kim:

      :echo exists('g:vikiDefNil') gives me 0, so I don't think it exists.
      IMHO the plugins aren't properly installed. What's the result of:

       :echo findfile('autoload/viki.vim', &rtp)

      It should return one entry.


  • John Kim

    John Kim - 2013-04-19

    It didn't return any entry. I checked, and my viki.vim file is actually in plugins, not autoload. Should I move viki.vim from plugins to autoload or copy it to autoload? Or are there other options?

    • John Kim

      John Kim - 2013-04-19

      Should I move viki.vim from plugins to autoload or copy it to autoload

      I meant create a symbolic link, not copy.

    • Tom Link

      Tom Link - 2013-04-19

      Am 2013-04-19 16:50, schrieb John Kim:

      It didn't return any entry. I checked, and my viki.vim file is
      actually in plugins, not autoload. Should I move viki.vim from
      plugins to autoload or copy it to autoload? Or are there other

      How did you install the plugin? You need to copy all files (see

      There has to be a file plugin/viki.vim and autoload/viki.vim


  • John Kim

    John Kim - 2013-04-22

    How did you install the plugin? You need to copy all files (see

    AHHH! Thank you very much! That solved the entire problem.


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