
ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.20beta released

ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.20beta released - Free documentation system for Delphi

The latest version of DelphiCodeToDoc (v0.20b) has been released. It can be downloaded here:

DelphiCodeToDoc is a free documentation system for Delphi, released under the GNU General Public License. It uses information about source code symbols and formatted comments in files to produce accurate documentation from your application and component.. The JavaDoc syntax is now supported

What are the change in the last revision ?
Last revision v0.20beta include all the modifications listed below :

  • Fixed Generics crash the parser (Tracker 1828114)
  • Fixed unpredictable execution with some variables not initialized in the create visitor's method
  • Fixed double slash path delimiter in the output folder with Quick wizard
  • Fixed Comments after END keyword throw an exception (Tracker 1870254)
  • Fixed Record in a var section thow an exception (Tracker 1870547)

  • Fixed exception with Function pointer const assigned (Tracker 1802084)

  • Fixed repeated build of output always adds the summary again (Tracker 1835631)
  • Fixed Default Full wizard generate nothing (Tracker 1867938)

What are the known bugs of the software ?
Some messages are not translated.
Classes differentiates Fields and Vars, which should be merged.

What are the known limitations of the software ?
Class vars can be comment only with an inline comment just after the declaration
Only English language is support for generated documentation
@see TAG in not implemented
When a project is open, changing the language doesn't work for the configuration page

What will be include or change in the next revisions ?
Fix critical and major bugs
Improve links between items in html documentation (Fields / assessors / class / sub-class links)
* Add an application configuration file (different from the project's configuration file)

Posted by TridenT 2008-02-03

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