
ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.7alpha released

ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.7a released - Free documentation system for Delphi

The latest version of DelphiCodeToDoc (v0.7a) has been released. It can be downloaded here:

DelphiCodeToDoc is a free documentation system for Delphi, released under the GNU General Public License. It uses information about source code symbols and formatted comments in files to produce accurate documentation from your application and component.. The JavaDoc syntax is now supported

What are the change in the last revision ?
Last revision v0.7alpha include all the modifications listed below :

Fixed some Options label text and Menu
Added Language auto-detection
Added available translations detection
Added French translations
Fixed Runtime Error when Starting Program with very high speed CPU (Tracker 975770)
Improved error detection and debug message when checking and building project (Tracker 958988)
Fixed no warning message when empty Param TAG description
Added library "DxGetText" for project translation
Fixed multi-line Param TAG support for Method (Tracker 961881)
Fixed @Param TAG is case sensitive
*Fixed @Return TAG don't support multiline

What are the known bugs of the software ?
*Complex ASM instructions will crash the parser : MOVZX EAX, TFloatingPointClass(FPClasses[EDX])"

What are the known limitations of the software ?
Methods with the same name (overloaded) will result in a single method
Functions with the same name (overloaded) will result in a single function
No pre-processor define can be add
Propertys have no description (but are generated)
Events have no description
Only HTML documentation is generated
Only English language is support for generated documentation
@see TAG in not supported
*Record are not generated and don't support JavaDoc TAG

What will be include or change in the next revisions ?
Add @see TAG support
Add language choice for generated documentation
*Improve "New Project" wizard

Posted by TridenT 2004-06-20

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