
ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.5alpha released

ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.5 released - Free documentation system for Delphi

The latest version of DelphiCodeToDoc (v0.5a) has been released. It can be downloaded here:

DelphiCodeToDoc is a free documentation system for Delphi, released under the GNU General Public

License. It uses information about source code symbols and formatted comments in files to produce

accurate documentation from your application and component.. The JavaDoc syntax is now supported

What are the change in the last revision ?
Last revision v0.5alpha include all the modifications listed below :

Added Open and Save project command.
Added BracketStar comment style support
Added support for BrackerStar's Prefix comments
Added options to specify prefix of JavaDoc comments (Tracker 930320)
Added support for Curly JavaDoc's Prefix comments
Added support for Inline's Prefix comments
Fixed Special EndOfLine character that generate an exception (char #19 for example)
Deleted Charset specification in CSS generated file. Most browser can auto-detect it. (Tracker 930775)
Fixed {$IFOPT O+} preprocessor symbol generate an exception (Tracker 928445)
Added "@return" TAG support for methods
Added Constants description from JavaDoc and Inline
Fixed Double-bytes character support in comments and literal strings (Tracker 930775)
Fixed Simple Functions (not method) make an application error (Tracker 920134)
Fixed Class defined only in implementation section (not present in interface) crash the Builder (Tracker 924358)
*Fixed untyped property crashs the application (Tracker 924366)

What are the known bugs of the software ?
None for the moment. If you find a problem, please send it by email at TridenT at or Submit a Tracker.

What are the known limitations of the software ?
Methods with the same name (overloaded) in a class will result in a single method in the ouput report.
Methods with the same name (overloaded) will result in a single method
No pre-processor define can be add
Propertys have no description (but are generated)
Events have no description
Only HTML documentation is generated
Only English language for application ans generated documentation
@see TAG in not supported

What will be include or change in the next revisions ?

Posted by TridenT 2004-04-21

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