
ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.4alpha released

ANN: DelphiCodeToDoc v0.4 released - Free documentation system for Delphi

The latest version of DelphiCodeToDoc (v0.4) has been released. It can be downloaded here:

DelphiCodeToDoc is a free documentation system for Delphi, released under the GNU General

Public License. It uses information about source code symbols and formatted comments in files to

produce accurate documentation from your application and component..

What are the change in the last revision ?
Last revision v0.4alpha include all the modifications listed below :

Fixed ParseTree appearing on exception/assertion error (Feature request 903123).
Fixed method parameter's name appearing in Parameter description TAG.
Fixed Untyped parameter in function crash the parser (Tracker 916780).
Fixed method declaration in interface (class) cause an assertion (Tracker 916816).
Added Inline description support for Fields.
Added support for EndOfLine comment (double slash after a field for example).
Added "Java TAG" support for Class description.
Added "Inline comment" support of Class and Method description.
Improved Description and summary in JavaDoc Style recognition.
Improved minor user interface controls.

What are the known bugs of the software ?
None for the moment. If you find a problem, please send it by email at TridenT at or Submit a Tracker.

What are the known limitations of the software ?
*Methods with the same name (overloaded) in a class will result in a single method in the ouput


DelphiCodeToDoc links:

Come see the new website, with JavaDoc update !

Posted by TridenT 2004-03-19

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