
Change Logs in a Header via Html iFrame

  • ctron

    ctron - 2010-02-07

    Last night I put a iFrame header in my code headers. It looks like this


    My Unit (Private Build) source file

    @author A User

    @version Original source : originalsrc.pas

    @version 2010/02/05 1.0 Initial revision.



    ----------------------------- Change Log ------------------------------
    <iframe src="../Changelogs/Clog_originalsrc.txt" width="100%" height="300">

    Your browser does not support iframes.




    ------------------------------- Todo ----------------------------------


    I put a changlog directory in the doc project's Html root directory. Next I
    made a batch file to copy all the change

    logs to a unique file in the changelog directory. Selected "allow HTML" in
    config and hit generate. Looks good. There's

    probably allot you do with iFrames. I don't know enough JScript to make the
    iFrame hide if the file is not found but anyhow.

    Thought I'd share.


  • ctron

    ctron - 2010-02-07

    Whoops, Firefox stopped in middle post and ended up posting twice. FYI


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