
Parsing Error

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have this error with 3 files on the project when compiling with DelphiCodetoDoc. It works fine when i remove them from the project.

    Exception TEParseError Expected program, package, library, unit
    Near ï near line 1 col 1

    What can i do?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Me again, i found it was a problem with .pas files, some rare character appeared when opened them with Wordpad, replaced with correct ones then it works fine.
      Thanks anyway!

      • TridenT

        TridenT - 2006-12-17

        You tell you have some rare characters in the beginning of the project. Is it character below 0x20 ?
        If so, I will fix it and process it like spaces.
        If you have a sample file, I'd like to have.


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