
Weird Documentation Error.

  • ctron

    ctron - 2011-12-31

    Hi TridenT,

    I sent you a you small source unit to play with. What is weird about it is
    that all the methods have been 100% uniformly documented. All but four methods
    (well within the main source body) have decided NOT to document. I am moving
    on with my project knowing this source has been properly documented. Thought I
    just let ya know. =)

    Before you ask,

    I'm Using and got the same with a early version. Not sure what
    earlier version I was using as I just download the update and overwrote it.

  • TridenT

    TridenT - 2012-01-21

    ok, I have analyzed the result and the source, and the issue is in your

    You have some (exactly 4) declaration methods that have a (slightly)
    different implementation.

    Have a look:

    procedure GetFTime   (var F; var Time: Longint);
    procedure TConsoleBase_W32.GetFTime(var F; var Time: Integer);
    procedure PackTime   (var T: DateTime; var P: Longint);
    procedure TConsoleBase_W32.PackTime(var T: DateTime; var P: Integer);
    procedure SetFTime   (var F; Time: Longint);
    procedure TConsoleBase_W32.SetFTime(var F; Time: Integer);
    procedure UnpackTime (P: Longint; var T: DateTime);
    procedure TConsoleBase_W32.UnpackTime(P: Integer; var T: DateTime);

    You have the Longint in declaration and integer in implementation.

    Even if the two declaration holds a 32 bits integer (on Win32), there may be
    difference on another target.

    So you should correct you code source.

    DelphiCodeToDoc try to find the same method signature, but failed for the
    paramter types.

    I hope this will help you, it fixes the document issue on my side.


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