
Dependency Finder / News: Recent posts

Six-Year Anniversary

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It just celebrated its 6-year anniversary and is coming upon its 1.2.0 Release.

The past year has been busy, with a lot of work on the upcoming 1.2.0 release. Downloads are doing well and I am very happy that people appreciate Dependency Finder.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2007-01-29

Dependency Finder now uses Subversion

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics.

We just completed the migration to Subversion for source control. The CVS tree will no longer be updated. The new Subversion repository has all the history that was in CVS and it is a complete replacement of the previous CVS tree.

Jean Tessier.

Posted by Jean Tessier 2006-04-06

Five-Year Anniversary

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It just celebrated its 5-year anniversary and is now in its 1.1.1 Release.

The past year has been busy, with the maintenance release 1.1.1 and a lot of work on the upcoming 1.1.2 release. Downloads are doing well and I am very happy that people appreciate Dependency Finder.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2006-01-30

Dependency Finder 1.1.1 released

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. This is a minor release with minor enhancements and bugfixes: 1.1.1.

We have adjusted the way Dependency Finder reads classfiles to generate a dependency graph. It can now restrict itself to only files that have changed since it last extracted the graph. This can save significant time when doing small changes to a large codebase.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2005-05-18

Four-Year Anniversary

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It just celebrated its 4-year anniversary and is now in its 1.1.0 Release.

The past year was very exciting, with the much awaited 1.1.0 release and better API than ever. More and more people are looking at Dependency Finder and are using it in their daily development activities.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2005-01-30

Dependency Finder 1.1.0 released

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. This is a major release with enhanced engine and Unix distribution: 1.1.0.

We have added list-based filtering of dependency graphs and new OO metrics configurations that target dependency reports. We have also fixed quite a few bugs and improved usability.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2004-12-29

Dependency Finder 1.1.0 beta3 released

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. This is a beta release with enhanced engine and Unix distribution: 1.1.0.

In this beta release, we changed the closure computing engine. We also created release files designed specifically for Unix environments, with appropriate start scripts.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2004-11-29

Dependency Finder 1.1.0 beta2 released

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. This is a beta release with new programming API: 1.1.0.

In this beta release, we changed the naming convention used in the code of Dependency Finder itself. We first wrote Dependency Finder using a C++ naming convention where all methods started with a capital and all fields were all lowercase. We have overhauled Dependency Finder to use the regular Java convention of using camel-case for both methods and fields.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2004-09-21

Launch of Dependency Finder 1.1.0 beta1

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. This is a beta release with new features: 1.1.0.

We have added list-based filtering of dependency graphs and new OO metrics configurations that target dependency reports. We have also fixed quite a few bugs and improved usability.

As always, I would love to hear from you. Any difficulties? Any success stories? Which features need improvement? There are discussion forums on SourceForge and mailing lists that you can use. I also welcome all emails, of course. :-)... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2004-05-23

New tutorial on managing dependencies in Java

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It just published a tutorial on managing dependencies.

The new Dependency Finder Tutorial shows you why managing dependencies is important. It also provides some typical queries and shows them in actual Dependency Finder screenshots. These are taken from both the web application and the Swing grapical interface.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2004-03-31

Dependency Finder in the Press

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It was just listed by Software Development magazine as one of 10 open souce projects to watch.

The March 2004 issue of Software Development magazine has a feature on open source software. They list 16 high-profile projects like Linux, Apache, and MySQL, and then list 10 projects "to watch", with Dependency Finder alongside Perl, PHP, and Python. This is stellar company!... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2004-02-07

Three-Year Anniversary

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It just celebrated its 3-year anniversary and is now in its 1.0.1 Release.

The past year was very exciting, with the 1.0 release and steadily raising awareness. More and more people are looking at Dependency Finder and are using it in their daily development activities.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2004-01-30

Launch of Dependency Finder 1.0.1

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. This is a maintenance release with limited new features: 1.0.1.

We have fixed quite a few bugs and improved usability, especially in the web application.

As always, I would love to hear from you. Any difficulties? Any success stories? Which features need improvement? There are discussion forums on SourceForge and mailing lists that you can use. I also welcome all emails, of course. :-) ... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2003-11-30

Launch of Dependency Finder 1.0

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. This is the first official release: 1.0.

I am very proud to launch this first official release. The project has been in alpha testing for about two years, and one month of beta testing did not find anything major.

I would love to hear from you. Any difficulties? Any success stories? Which features need improvement? There are discussion forums on SourceForge and mailing lists that you can use. I also welcome all emails, of course. :-) ... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2003-06-06

Launch of Dependency Finder 1.0 beta

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It just the first beta for its 1.0 Release.

I am very glad to launch this first beta. The project has been in alpha testing for about two years, so I don't expect too many surprises from this round of beta testing. If all goes well, the official 1.0 Release should follow in about one month.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2003-05-02

Two-Year Anniversary

Dependency Finder lets you analyze compiled Java code to do dependency analysis but also version diffs and compute quality metrics. It just celebrated its 2-year anniversary and is well on its way to its 1.0 Release.

I am very glad to see that one month after the latest alpha release, Dependency Finder got well over 100 downloads; and the one before that was over 200. This means that some of you out there are actively using it. I would love to hear from you. Any difficulties? Any success stories? Which features need improvement? There are discussion forums on SourceForge and mailing lists that you can use. I also welcome all emails, of course. :-)... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2003-01-31

New release before beta

After almost six month, here's a new release. It has all the new features and bug fixes. The documentation on the website is being updated, with more to follow with the upcoming beta.

The next one will be the first for the beta stage. Look at the Release Plan for a list of contents.

Hopefully, the next release will follow shortly.

Posted by Jean Tessier 2003-01-02

New release (last before first beta)

After six month, here's a new release.

The next one will be the first for the beta stage. Look at the Release Plan for a list of contents.

Hopefully, the next release will follow shortly.

Posted by Jean Tessier 2002-07-12

One Year Anniversary

I started Dependency Finder one year ago today.

Up until January 29, 2001, I was working on another home project that got so complex that I lost track of who was calling what. That's when I got the idea to build a dependency tracking tool. I read up on the .class file format and wrote the first pieces of code that parsed the constant pool. I could find class-to-class dependencies with some accuracy, but the information in the .class file promised so much more; and it was right there for the picking.... read more

Posted by Jean Tessier 2002-01-30

New web application version

Dependency Finder now comes as a web application too. Just get the .war file and deploy it in your favorite application server, such as Jakarta Tomcat from Apache.

Posted by Jean Tessier 2002-01-28

New Release File

I've put in SourceForge's File Release System. I'll get the hang of it eventually.

Posted by Jean Tessier 2002-01-10

New CVS Repository

I created the CVS Repository for the source code. It took me quite a while to get WinCVS working.

I'll be switching to a BSD-style license shortly.

Posted by Jean Tessier 2002-01-10

Dependency Finder is now on SourceForge

Today, I requested a SourceForge project for DependencyFinder and got it the same day.

Posted by Jean Tessier 2002-01-04