
Tree [r3] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 application 2018-05-09 jmccordova [r3] 1. Massive UI changes
 assets 2018-05-09 jmccordova [r3] 1. Massive UI changes
 system 2017-07-05 jmccordova [r1] First commit.
 .gitignore 2017-07-05 jmccordova [r1] First commit.
 .htaccess 2017-07-05 jmccordova [r1] First commit.
 composer.json 2017-07-05 jmccordova [r1] First commit. 2017-07-05 jmccordova [r1] First commit.
 index.php 2017-07-05 jmccordova [r1] First commit.
 license.txt 2017-07-05 jmccordova [r1] First commit.
 readme.rst 2018-05-09 jmccordova [r3] 1. Massive UI changes

Read Me


Programming Language: PHP 5.6.x DBMS: MariaDB Server 10.1.16 Framework: CodeIgniter 3.0.6

This coding template is made especially for Department of Education Regional Office III. If you are planning to use it on your systems, kindly tweak the code as stated below and update your preliminary data (Bootstrap.php).


  1. Install either XAMPP, WAMP, or LAMP
    1.1. If XAMPP for Windows, find htdocs/ directory (usually found inside C:/xampp/htdocs/) 1.2. If XAMPP for Linux, find htdocs/ directory (usually found inside /opt/lampp/htdocs/) 1.3. If WAMP, find www/ directory (usually found in C:/wamp/www/) 1.4. If LAMP, find html/ directory (usually found inside /var/www/html/)
  2. Place this folder to the said locations above
  3. Configure mySQL
    3.1. Take note of the username and password you used (you'll use it in the config) 3.2. Create a database (you can follow index.php's $GLOBAL["DB_NAME"])
  4. Make sure both Apache and MySQL are running


Environment Set-up

  1. Find your php.ini and add "date.timezone = 'Asia/Manila'".


  1. Open template/index.php.
  2. Change the environment to either 'development', 'testing', or 'production' on line 58 or define('ENVIRONMENT', '')
  3. Change lines 185 to 187 (Database Names)
  4. Open template/application/config/development/database.php
  5. Replace lines 79 (DB username) and 80 (DB password) with the correct settings of your MySQL credentials
  6. Add the name of the database in line 81
  7. Open template/application/config/config.php
  8. Rename template folder to the name of your app
  9. Change folderName of base_url on line 26

Adding Data

  1. Update fields per table by following the sample given on add_field() function
  2. Open template/application/controllers/Bootstrap.php
  3. Insert the data by following the sample given on initialize() function

Running the Application

  1. Make sure to check if Apache and MySQL is running
  2. Make sure to create a database that matches with the config
  3. Open the URL localhost/app/dbsetup/setup
  4. Open the URL localhost/app/bootstrap/initialize
  5. Go back to localhost/app