
DepCon Contact Manager / News: Recent posts

Depcon Version 0.1.2 Alpha Released

A minor update to the Depcon Alpha was released today. This includes an improved calendar and some icons.

Try it out today!

Posted by tskaufma 2009-04-07

DepCon Pre-Alpha Release

DepCon is making its first release. This project is still very immature and will be buggy. The purpose of this release to be able to gather feedback.

DepCon is released under the EPL which can be found at

Please submit feedback to the forums/tracker as appropriate.

Posted by tskaufma 2008-04-12

Website Completed

The website is finally done and the corresponding bug has been closed. See the website for more details.

Posted by tskaufma 2008-01-28

DepCon goes Pre-Alpha

Work on coding of DepCon has begun, and DepCon has entered Pre-Alpha stages. The current work is all in the SVN repository. DepCon, as existant in SVN at this point in time is very primitive, but should not be broken.

The DepCon project hopes to provide a working release of DepCon before year end.

Stay Tuned for more Details,
tskaufma, DepCon Project Admin

Posted by tskaufma 2007-09-07