
Denvir / News: Recent posts

Next release on the 7 December 2006

The next version is "Denvir 1.1".
Additional to the java version chek (Denvir-1.0) you will be able to check directory/files access mode (for example user home directory).
Moreover the main class will be extended by some options, see request tracker for more details (select group "Denvir 1.1").

Posted by Anonymous 2006-11-10

Denvir got its own mailing list

The "denvir-users" list is where you can send questions and comments about configuration, setup, usage and other "user" types of questions.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-11-10

[UPDATE: all-clear] ATTENTION!!! Corrupted download file!

Don't download denvir-1.0.jar, it's corrupt! The sourceforge staff is yet informed:
- request ID 1585791

download the instead. It includes the whole Denvir project, a valid denvir-1.0.jar also.

[UPDATE, 07.11.2006] the denvir-1.0.jar was not corrupt, the problem was somewhere else, for details follow the issue link above

Posted by Anonymous 2006-10-27

Denvir-1.0 released! Examples...

Check your java version with Denvir!

For example:
1. new JavaVersionCheck("1.4.2+", "<problem solution>").perform();
valid versions here: 1.4.2_*, 1.5.*
invalid versions: 1.3*, 1.1* etc. all versions < 1.4.2

2. new JavaVersionCheck("1.4.2", "<problem solution>").perform();
valid versions here: 1.4.2_*,
invalid versions: 1.5.*, 1.3*, 1.1* etc. all versions != 1.4.2*

Posted by Anonymous 2006-10-19

Pre-Alpha Status reached!

We are pleased to submit that the Denvir’s planning is completed and we start with the implementation...
From now on Denvir is reachable from sourceforge search!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-10-10

First release on the 19 October 2006

The first Denvir version (1.0) will be released on the 19 October 2006. It will only contain rudimental functionality, but will be ready for use!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-10-10

Denvir goes online!

We are very pleased to annonce that our first Open Source project goes online.

Good luck, Denvir!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-09-22