

Mikhail V. Matz

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Project Members:


  • Mikhail V. Matz

    Mikhail V. Matz - 2015-03-10

    March 10, 2015: minor corrections to scripts manual and walkthrough

  • Mikhail V. Matz

    Mikhail V. Matz - 2015-03-11

    March 11, 2015: fixed bug in which prevented it from processing some vcfs

  • Mikhail V. Matz

    Mikhail V. Matz - 2015-04-14

    April 12, 2015:
    - corrected a mistake in the README, in the variant recalibration procedure (first call to vcftools)
    - changed default minimal number of allele observations to 5 in haplocall_denovo


    Last edit: Mikhail V. Matz 2015-04-14
  • Mikhail V. Matz

    Mikhail V. Matz - 2015-04-14

    April 13, 2015: now reports tag position as POS field in Variants vcf

  • Mikhail V. Matz

    Mikhail V. Matz - 2015-04-15

    April 15, 2015:
    - new version of
    - added


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